Acts 26 Quiz

This quiz is based on Acts chapter 26 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. Why did Jesus appear to Paul on his way to Damascus?
2. According to Acts 26, what do the Gentiles get upon accepting Jesus?
3. What did Jesus send Paul to do among the Gentiles?
4. What proverb did the Lord say to Paul when he appeared to him on the way to Damascus?
5. While Paul stood trial before Agrippa, what evil things did he say he had done?
6. How did Paul describe the light that shone around him while he was on his way to Damascus?
7. According to Paul, he was obedient to Christ and went around preaching to Jews and Gentiles. What did he say he preached to them?
8. According to Paul, why did the Jews catch him and were trying to kill him?
9. According to Paul, having received help from God, what did he continue to do?
10. According to Paul, what do Moses and the other prophets say should come?
11. Who told Paul that he was getting mad?
12. What was Paul's response to the one who said he was getting mad?
13. Who answered Paul's question about whether Agrippa believed in the scriptures or not?
14. What was Agrippa's response after hearing Paul for sometime?
15. When King Agrippa, his wife, the governor, and the officials got up and stood aside, what did they do?
16. After Agrippa and co heard from Paul, what did they learn?
17. After Agripper's examination of Paul, why was it that Paul was not set free though not found guilty?
18. King Agrippa's wife was called what?


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