Acts 20 Quiz

This quiz is based on Acts chapter 20 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. From Ephesus, Paul went to where?
2. What was the last thing Paul did before leaving Ephesus?
3. How many months did Paul spend in Greece?
4. Where did the Jews lay wait for Paul?
5. According to Acts 20, where did Paul's traveling companions go to wait for him?
6. Who accompanied Paul to Asia?
7. Where did Paul want to pass before going to Syria?
8. When did Paul and co sail from Macedonia to Troas?
9. Which city was Paul in before sailing to Troas?
10. How many days did it take Paul to reach Troas from where he was?
11. How many days did Paul and company stay at Troas?
12. On which days did Paul preach for a long time into the night?
13. On which occasion did Paul preach long into the night?
14. How did Eutychus fall?
15. Eutychus fell from which height?
16. Eutychus died when he fell. How did Paul raise him to life?
17. What words of Jesus did Paul tell the Ephesian elders to remember?
18. After Eutychus fell and was raised to life, what happened for the rest of the night?
19. Later, when the church saw Eutychus alive, what was their mood?
20. Paul and co left Troas for where?
21. Why is it that Paul did not board the ship to sail from Troas?
22. Paul left Troas for a certain city where he joined his companion on a ship and sailed away to Mitylene. Which city was that?
23. Why did Paul decide to sail pass Ephesus?
24. Which event did Paul wish to catch in Jerusalem for which reason he was in a hurry to get there?
25. Since Paul did not stop at Ephesus, how did he get to call all the elders of Ephesus?
26. How did Paul reach out to people and preach to them in Ephesus when he was there?
27. What did Paul feel would happen to him in Jerusalem?
28. Why did Paul feel that something negative would happen to him in Jerusalem?
29. What instruction did Paul give to the elders of Ephesus?
30. What did Paul caution the Ephesian elders of?
31. What did Paul caution them of?
32. What did Paul say he had not done while he was in Ephesus?
33. When Paul and company were in Ephesus, how were their needs provided for?
34. According to Paul, what had he shown the Ephesian believers?
35. What did Paul and the elders of the Ephesian church do after Paul was done talking?
36. How did the Ephesians bid Paul farewell?
37. What made the Ephesian elders sorrowful and weep?


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