What does Acts 17:30 mean?

30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: (Acts 17:30 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

That is, “Though God of his infinite patience hath long borne with the world lying in darkness and ignorance; yet how, by causing his gospel to be preached to all nation, he calls and invites them to repentance, to forsake their idols, and to serve the true God.”

Here observe, 1. The censure of the past times; they were times of ignorance, and God winked at them, or overlooked them; not that God did allow or approve of their idolatry, but did not destroy and cut them off for the same; nor afford them such helps and means as now he did, having brought his gospel among them.

Observe, 2. The duty of the present time declared: to repent. This is a commanded duty, and an universally commanded duty: Now he commands all men every where to repent.

From the whole note, 1. That the times of paganism were times of ignorance.

2. That it is an unspeakable misery to be born and brought up in such times.

3. That to live impenitently in times of knowledge, is a sin that God will by no means wink at.

4. That the great purpose and design of the gospel wheresoever it is sent and preached, is to invite men to repentance: Now he commandeth all men every where to repent.