Acts 16 Quiz

This quiz is based on Acts chapter 16 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. Where did Paul meet Timothy?
2. Timothy's mother was a                                   
3. Timothy's father was a                                
4. Who spoke well of Timothy?
5. Why did Paul circumcise Timothy?
6. What did Paul and company tell the churches in the cities they went through?
7. According to Acts 16, what was the result of what Paul and company told the churches in the cities they visited?
8. Where did the Holy Spirit forbid them to preach the word?
9. Why couldn't Paul and co go to Bithynia?
10. Where were Paul and co before they came to Troas?
11. Why did Paul and co go to Macedonia?
12. Where did Paul begin his journey to Macedonia?
13. Which of these places did Paul and co pass to get to Macedonia?
14. Which of these cities can be found in Macedonia?
15. On which day did Paul and co go to the riverside to preach when they were in Philippi?
16. Who did Paul and co preach to when they came to the riverside?
17. When Paul and co went to the riverside, what were they expecting to find there?
18. Lydia believed the message of Paul at the riverside. How was she led to believe?
19. What kind gesture did Lydia show to Paul and co?
20. What followed immediately after Lydia accepted the message of Paul?
21. What was the occupation of Lydia?
22. Where did Lydia come from?
23. In Philippi, how did Paul and co meet the girl possessed by the spirit of divination?
24. In Philippi, why did Paul cast out the spirit of divination in the slave girl?
25. Who had Paul and Silas caught in Philippi?
26. What charge was brought against Paul and Silas when they were caught in Philippi?
27. Why did some people have Paul and Silas caught in Philippi?
28. What was done to Paul and Silas when they were caught and given to the magistrate?
29. Why did the jailer put Paul and Silas in the inner cell and bind them with chains?
30. What did Paul and Silas do in the Philippian jail at midnight?
31. An earthquake happened while Paul and Silas were in prison in Philippi. What effect did the earthquake have on the prison?
32. When the jailor woke up, seeing what the earthquake had caused, what did he think had happened with the prisoners?
33. Why did the jailor want to kill himself when he saw what had happened?
34. What prevented the jailor from killing himself?
35. What request did the jailor make to Paul and Silas?
36. What answer did Paul and Silas give the jailor upon his request?
37. What was the magistrate's order for Paul and Silas the day following their arrest?
38. Who communicated to Paul and Silas the decision of the magistrate on the day following their arrest?
39. What was Paul's response to the magistrate's order?
40. Why did the magistrate and the serjeants become afraid because of Paul and Silas?
41. What was common between Lydia and the jailor who encountered Paul's ministry?
42. What did the jailor do for Paul and Silas as a kind gesture?
43. What did the magistrate and the officers ask Paul and Silas to do after releasing them from prison?
44. When Paul and Silas left Philippi prison, they went where next?
45. Who communicated Paul's reply to the magistrate?
46. What did Paul and Silas do for the jailor?


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