Acts 15 Quiz

This quiz is based on Acts chapter 15 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your points and track your progress.

1. Those who came to teach false doctrine in Antioch came from where?
2. Who argued with those who came to teach falsely in Antioch?
3. On this matter of circumcision and salvation, what did the church in Antioch decide to do?
4. How did the party sent from Antioch bring joy to the church in the places they passed to Jerusalem?
5. Where did the party sent from Antioch pass on their way to Jerusalem?
6. In Jerusalem, the party sent from Antioch were received by who?
7. Apart from the question about salvation and circumcision, what else did the party from Antioch tell the church in Jerusalem?
8. Which class of believers insisted that the Gentile believers should undergo circumcision and observe the laws of Moses?
9. While considering the matter from Antioch, whose speech rendered everyone silent?
10. While still considering the matter from Antioch in a meeting, who was the next person to speak after the first person?
11. After there had been much argument about the matter from Antioch at the meeting, who was the first person to speak to whom they all gave their audience?
12. When James was speaking in everyone's hearing, whose conversation did he make reference to?
13. Peter said at the meeting, "Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe." What was Peter talking about?
14. What did James suggest they should do?
15. What did the conversation of Peter on the matter of circumcision and salvation suggest?
16. Who was the third to speak at the meeting in everyone's hearing?
17. Who did the apostles send with the party from Antioch to deliver their message to the church in Antioch?
18. In the letter the apostles wrote to Antioch, they extended their greets to who?
19. Who authorized the false teachers to go to Antioch to teach?
20. The apostles sent some men with Paul and co on their return to Antioch. What were the men supposed to do in Antioch?
21. Who were described as men that have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ?
22. Which people were described as chief men among the brethren in Jerusalem?
23. If the church in Antioch inclines to the letter, what will be the outcome?
24. What was the mood of the church in Antioch when they heard the verdict of the apostles on the matter of circumcision and salvation?
25. Those the apostles sent with the party from Antioch were said to be what?
26. Those the apostles sent to Antioch, apart from delivering their message, what else did they do?
27. Which of the persons sent by the apostles to Antioch did not return to the apostles in Jerusalem?
28. Who reminded Paul and Barnabas to go back to the cities where they preached in their first missionary campaign?
29. Who did Barnabas determine that they should go along with to visit the churches?
30. Why did Paul and Barnabas part ways and were no longer a team?
31. Who did Barnabas choose as a partner for his missionary campaign?
32. Where did Barnabas and his partner travel to after leaving Antioch?
33. Who did Paul choose as a partner for his missionary campaign?
34. What did the church in Antioch do for Paul and his partner before they left for their missionary work?
35. Where did Paul and his partner go after leaving Antioch?
36. Who presided over the meeting convened to resolve the matter from Antioch?
37. Some Jewish Christians came to Antioch to teach falsely. What was their false teaching?


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