Acts 10 Quiz

This quiz is based on Acts chapter 10 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your score and track your progress.

1. What was the military rank of Cornelius?
2. Cornelius belonged to a band called what?
3. At what point did Cornelius see an angel of God?
4. What deeds of Cornelius were remembered by God?
5. The angel told Cornelius to send for Peter. In which town was Peter living?
6. Who was Peter staying with in the town where he was?
7. Where was the house Peter was living in located in the town?
8. Who did Cornelius send to fetch Peter?
9. At what time did Peter go on top of the house where he was staying?
10. Why did Peter go on top of the house where he was living?
11. What was the state of Peter when he was on top of the house where he lived?
12. In the vision, what was Peter's reply to the Lord's command that he should kill the animals and eat?
13. What did God say in response to Peter's reply to His command?
14. How many times did the communication between God and Peter occur?
15. Finally, in the vision, what happened to the sheet Peter saw descend from heaven?
16. While Peter was wondering about the meaning of the vision, what else was happening?
17. Who informed Peter that three men were looking for him?
18. Why did Peter go with the men Cornelius sent to come to Cornelius' house?
19. Who had Cornelius gathered in his house so that they would also listen to Peter?
20. Who came to meet Peter when he and the others were entering Cornelius' house?
21. When Cornelius met Peter he fell at Peter's feet and worshiped him. Why did Peter lift him up from the floor?
22. According to Jewish laws, which one of these should a Jew not do?
23. What did God teach Peter through the vision he revealed to him?
24. What was Cornelius doing when he saw the angel of God some days ago?
25. Cornelius lived in which city?
26. When Cornelius and Peter met, how many days had it been since Cornelius saw the angel?
27. What did Peter learn after Cornelius had narrated to him the reason why he sent for him?
28. According to Peter, where did Jesus start preaching?
29. When Jesus resurrected from the dead, who did He show himself to?
30. According to Peter what did Jesus tell his disciples to testify about him?
31. At what point did those who were listening to Peter in Cornelius' house receive the Holy Spirit?
32. When the Holy Spirit came upon Cornelius and company, the circumcised believers who came with Peter to Cornelius' house were surprised. Why?
33. What was the evidence that Cornelius and those with him had received the Holy Spirit?
34. What did Peter do for Cornelius and company when he realized they had received the Holy Spirit?
35. In what name is sin forgiven?
36. While Peter was seeing the vision, he was in which state?
37. In a vision, Peter saw a sheet descend to him. What creatures were on the sheet?


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