
G11. Abraam,  ab-rah-am’

of Hebrew origin (‘Abraham); Abraham, the Hebrew patriarch:–Abraham. (In Acts 7:16 the text should probably read Jacob.)

AbraamAbrahamMt 1:1, Mt 1:2, Mt 1:17, Mt 3:9, Mt 8:11, Mt 22:32,
Mr 12:26, Lu 1:55, Lu 1:73, Lu 3:8, Lu 3:34, Lu 13:16,
Lu 13:28, Lu 16:22, Lu 16:23, Lu 16:24, Lu 16:25,
Lu 16:29, Lu 16:30, Lu 19:9, Lu 20:37, Joh 8:33,
Joh 8:37, Joh 8:39, Joh 8:40, Joh 8:52, Joh 8:53,
Joh 8:56, Joh 8:57, Joh 8:58, Ac 3:13, Ac 3:25, Etc.


Mt 1:1 The book /biblos/ of the generation /genesis/ of Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/, the son /huios/ of David /Dabid/, the son /huios/ of Abraham /Abraam/.

 Mt 1:2 Abraham /Abraam/ begat /gennao/ Isaac /Isaak/; and /de/ Isaac /Isaak/ begat /gennao/ Jacob /Iakob/; and /de/ Jacob /Iakob/ begat /gennao/ Judas /Ioudas/ and /kai/ his /autos/ brethren /adelphos/;

 Mt 1:17 So /oun/ all /pas/ the generations /genea/ from /apo/ Abraham /Abraam/ to /heos/ David /Dabid/ are fourteen /dekatessares/ generations /genea/; and /kai/ from /apo/ David /Dabid/ until /heos/ the carrying away /metoikesia/ into Babylon /Babulon/ are fourteen /dekatessares/ generations /genea/; and /kai/ from /apo/ the carrying away /metoikesia/ into Babylon /Babulon/ unto /heos/ Christ /Christos/ are fourteen /dekatessares/ generations /genea/.

 Mt 3:9 And /kai/ think /dokeo/ not /me/ to say /lego/ within /en/ yourselves /heautou/, We have /echo/ Abraham /Abraam/ to our father /pater/: for /gar/ I say /lego/ unto you /humin/, that /hoti/ God /theos/ is able /dunamai/ of /ek/ these /touton/ stones /lithos/ to raise up /egeiro/ children /teknon/ unto Abraham /Abraam/.

 Mt 8:11 And /de/ I say /lego/ unto you /humin/, That /hoti/ many /polus/ shall come /heko/ from /apo/ the east /anatole/ and /kai/ west /dusme/, and /kai/ shall sit down /anaklino/ with /meta/ Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ Jacob /Iakob/, in /en/ the kingdom /basileia/ of heaven /ouranos/.

 Mt 22:32 I /ego/ am /eimi/ the God /theos/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Jacob /Iakob/? God /theos/ is /esti/ not /ou/ the God /theos/ of the dead /nekros/, but /alla/ of the living /zao/.

 Mr 12:26 And /de/ as touching /peri/ the dead /nekros/, that /hoti/ they rise /egeiro/: have ye /anaginosko/ not /ou/ read /anaginosko/ in /en/ the book /biblos/ of Moses /Moseus/, how /hos/ in /epi/ the bush /batos/ God /theos/ spake /epo/ unto him /autos/, saying /lego/, I /ego/ am the God /theos/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Jacob /Iakob/?

 Lu 1:55 As /kathos/ he spake /laleo/ to /pros/ our /hemon/ fathers /pater/, to Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ to his /autos/ seed /sperma/ for /eis/ ever /aion/.

 Lu 1:73 The oath /horkos/ which /hos/ he sware /omnuo/ to /pros/ our /hemon/ father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/,

 Lu 3:8 Bring forth /poieo/ therefore /oun/ fruits /karpos/ worthy /axios/ of repentance /metanoia/, and /kai/ begin /archomai/ not /me/ to say /lego/ within /en/ yourselves /heautou/, We have /echo/ Abraham /Abraam/ to our father /pater/: for /gar/ I say /lego/ unto you /humin/, That /hoti/ God /theos/ is able /dunamai/ of /ek/ these /touton/ stones /lithos/ to raise up /egeiro/ children /teknon/ unto Abraham /Abraam/. {worthy of: or, meet for}

 Lu 3:34 Which was the son of Jacob /Iakob/, which was the son of Isaac /Isaak/, which was the son of Abraham /Abraam/, which was the son of Thara /Thara/, which was the son of Nachor /Nachor/,

 Lu 13:16 And /de/ ought /dei/ not /ou/ this woman /taute/, being /on/ a daughter /thugater/ of Abraham /Abraam/, whom /hos/ Satan /Satanas/ hath bound /deo/, lo /idou/, these eighteen /deka/ /kai/ /okto/ years /etos/, be loosed /luo/ from /apo/ this /toutou/ bond /desmon/ on the sabbath /sabbaton/ day /hemera/?

 Lu 13:28 There /ekei/ shall be /esomai/ weeping /klauthmos/ and /kai/ gnashing /brugmos/ of teeth /odous/, when /hotan/ ye shall see /optanomai/ Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ Jacob /Iakob/, and /kai/ all /pas/ the prophets /prophetes/, in /en/ the kingdom /basileia/ of God /theos/, and /de/ you /humas/ yourselves thrust /ekballo/ out /exo/.

 Lu 16:22 And /de/ it came to pass /ginomai/, that the beggar /ptochos/ died /apothnesko/, and /kai/ was carried /apophero/ by /hupo/ the angels /aggelos/ into /eis/ Abraham’s /Abraam/ bosom /kolpos/: the rich man /plousios/ also /de/ /kai/ died /apothnesko/, and /kai/ was buried /thapto/;

 Lu 16:23 And /kai/ in /en/ hell /hades/ he lift up /epairo/ his /autos/ eyes /ophthalmos/, being /huparcho/ in /en/ torments /basanos/, and seeth /horao/ Abraham /Abraam/ afar /makrothen/ off /apo/, and /kai/ Lazarus /Lazaros/ in /en/ his /autos/ bosom /kolpos/.

 Lu 16:24 And /kai/ /autos/ he cried /phoneo/ and said /epo/, Father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/, have mercy /eleeo/ on me /me/, and /kai/ send /pempo/ Lazarus /Lazaros/, that /hina/ he may dip /bapto/ the tip /akron/ of his /autos/ finger /daktulos/ in water /hudor/, and /kai/ cool /katapsucho/ my /mou/ tongue /glossa/; for /hoti/ I am tormented /odunao/ in /en/ this /taute/ flame /phlox/.

 Lu 16:25 But /de/ Abraham /Abraam/ said /epo/, Son /teknon/, remember /mnaomai/ that /hoti/ thou /su/ in /en/ thy /sou/ lifetime /zoe/ receivedst /apolambano/ thy /sou/ good things /agathos/, and /kai/ likewise /homoios/ Lazarus /Lazaros/ evil things /kakos/: but /de/ now /nun/ /hode/ he is comforted /parakaleo/, and /de/ thou /su/ art tormented /odunao/.

 Lu 16:29 Abraham /Abraam/ saith /lego/ unto him /autos/, They have /echo/ Moses /Moseus/ and /kai/ the prophets /prophetes/; let them hear /akouo/ them /autos/.

 Lu 16:30 And /de/ he said /epo/, Nay /ouchi/, father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/: but /alla/ if /ean/ one /tis/ went /poreuomai/ unto /pros/ them /autos/ from /apo/ the dead /nekros/, they will repent /metanoeo/.

 Lu 19:9 And /de/ Jesus /Iesous/ said /epo/ unto /pros/ him /autos/, /hoti/ This day /semeron/ is /ginomai/ salvation /soteria/ come /ginomai/ to this /touto/ house /oikos/, forsomuch as /kathoti/ he /autos/ also /kai/ is /esti/ a son /huios/ of Abraham /Abraam/.

 Lu 20:37 Now /de/ that /hoti/ the dead /nekros/ are raised /egeiro/, even /kai/ Moses /Moseus/ shewed /menuo/ at /epi/ the bush /batos/, when /hos/ he calleth /lego/ the Lord /kurios/ the God /theos/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Jacob /Iakob/.

 Joh 8:33 They answered /apokrinomai/ him /autos/, We be /esmen/ Abraham’s /Abraam/ seed /sperma/, and /kai/ were /douleuo/ never /popote/ in bondage /douleuo/ to any man /oudeis/: how /pos/ sayest /lego/ thou /su/, /hoti/ Ye shall be made /ginomai/ free /eleutheros/?

 Joh 8:37 I know /eido/ that /hoti/ ye are /este/ Abraham’s /Abraam/ seed /sperma/; but /alla/ ye seek /zeteo/ to kill /apokteino/ me /me/, because /hoti/ my /emos/ word /logos/ hath /choreo/ no /ou/ place /choreo/ in /en/ you /humin/.

 Joh 8:39 They answered /apokrinomai/ and /kai/ said /epo/ unto him /autos/, Abraham /Abraam/ is /esti/ our /hemon/ father /pater/. Jesus /Iesous/ saith /lego/ unto them /autos/, If /ei/ ye were /en/ Abraham’s /Abraam/ children /teknon/, ye would do /poieo/ /an/ the works /ergon/ of Abraham /Abraam/.

 Joh 8:40 But /de/ now /nun/ ye seek /zeteo/ to kill /apokteino/ me /me/, a man /anthropos/ that /hos/ hath told /laleo/ you /humin/ the truth /aletheia/, which /hos/ I have heard /akouo/ of /para/ God /theos/: this /touto/ did /poieo/ not /ou/ Abraham /Abraam/.

 Joh 8:52 Then /oun/ said /epo/ the Jews /Ioudaios/ unto him /autos/, Now /nun/ we know /ginosko/ that /hoti/ thou hast /echo/ a devil /daimonion/. Abraham /Abraam/ is dead /apothnesko/, and /kai/ the prophets /prophetes/; and /kai/ thou /su/ sayest /lego/, If /ean/ a man /tis/ keep /tereo/ my /mou/ saying /logos/, he shall /geuomai/ never /ou me/ /eis/ /aion/ taste /geuomai/ of death /thanatos/.

 Joh 8:53 Art /me/ /ei/ thou /su/ greater than /meizon/ our /hemon/ father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/, which /hostis/ is dead /apothnesko/? and /kai/ the prophets /prophetes/ are dead /apothnesko/: whom /tis/ makest /poieo/ thou /su/ thyself /seautou/?

 Joh 8:56 Your /humon/ father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/ rejoiced /agalliao/ to /hina/ see /eido/ my /emos/ day /hemera/: and /kai/ he saw /eido/ it, and /kai/ was glad /chairo/.

 Joh 8:57 Then /oun/ said /epo/ the Jews /Ioudaios/ unto /pros/ him /autos/, Thou art /echo/ not yet /oupo/ fifty /pentekonta/ years old /etos/, and /kai/ hast thou seen /horao/ Abraham /Abraam/?

 Joh 8:58 Jesus /Iesous/ said /epo/ unto them /autos/, Verily /amen/, verily /amen/, I say /lego/ unto you /humin/, Before /prin/ Abraham /Abraam/ was /ginomai/, I /ego/ am /eimi/.

 Ac 3:13 The God /theos/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ of Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ of Jacob /Iakob/, the God /theos/ of our /hemon/ fathers /pater/, hath glorified /doxazo/ his /autos/ Son /pais/ Jesus /Iesous/; whom /hos/ ye /humeis/ delivered up /paradidomi/, and /kai/ denied /arneomai/ him /autos/ in /kata/ the presence /prosopon/ of Pilate /Pilatos/, when he was determined /krino/ to let /apoluo/ him /ekeinos/ go /apoluo/.

 Ac 3:25 Ye /humeis/ are /este/ the children /huios/ of the prophets /prophetes/, and /kai/ of the covenant /diatheke/ which /hos/ God /theos/ made /diatithemai/ with /pros/ our /hemon/ fathers /pater/, saying /lego/ unto /pros/ Abraham /Abraam/, And /kai/ in thy /sou/ seed /sperma/ shall /eneulogeo/ all /pas/ the kindreds /patria/ of the earth /ge/ be blessed /eneulogeo/.

 Ac 7:2 And /de/ he said /phemi/, Men /aner/, brethren /adelphos/, and /kai/ fathers /pater/, hearken /akouo/; The God /theos/ of glory /doxa/ appeared /optanomai/ unto our /hemon/ father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/, when he was /on/ in /en/ Mesopotamia /Mesopotamia/, before /prin/ /e/ he /autos/ dwelt /katoikeo/ in /en/ Charran /Charrhan/,

 Ac 7:16 And /kai/ were carried over /metatithemi/ into /eis/ Sychem /Suchem/, and /kai/ laid /tithemi/ in /en/ the sepulchre /mnema/ that /hos/ Abraham /Abraam/ bought /oneomai/ for a sum /time/ of money /argurion/ of /para/ the sons /huios/ of Emmor /Emmor/ the father /ho/ of Sychem /Suchem/.

 Ac 7:17 But /de/ when /kathos/ the time /chronos/ of the promise /epaggelia/ drew nigh /eggizo/, which /hos/ God /theos/ had sworn /omnuo/ to Abraham /Abraam/, the people /laos/ grew /auxano/ and /kai/ multiplied /plethuno/ in /en/ Egypt /Aiguptos/,

 Ac 7:32 Saying, I /ego/ am the God /theos/ of thy /sou/ fathers /pater/, the God /theos/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Isaac /Isaak/, and /kai/ the God /theos/ of Jacob /Iakob/. Then /de/ Moses /Moseus/ trembled /ginomai/ /entromos/, and durst /tolmao/ not /ou/ behold /katanoeo/.

 Ac 13:26 Men /aner/ and brethren /adelphos/, children /huios/ of the stock /genos/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ whosoever among /en/ you /humin/ feareth /phobeo/ God /theos/, to you /humin/ is /apostello/ the word /logos/ of this /taute/ salvation /soteria/ sent /apostello/.

 Ro 4:1 What /tis/ shall we say /ereo/ then /oun/ that Abraham /Abraam/ our /hemon/ father /pater/, as pertaining /kata/ to the flesh /sarx/, hath found /heurisko/?

 Ro 4:2 For /gar/ if /ei/ Abraham /Abraam/ were justified /dikaioo/ by /ek/ works /ergon/, he hath /echo/ whereof to glory /kauchema/; but /alla/ not /ou/ before /pros/ God /theos/.

 Ro 4:3 For /gar/ what /tis/ saith /lego/ the scripture /graphe/? /de/ Abraham /Abraam/ believed /pisteuo/ God /theos/, and /kai/ it was counted /logizomai/ unto him /autos/ for /eis/ righteousness /dikaiosune/.

 Ro 4:9 Cometh this /houtos/ blessedness /makarismos/ then /oun/ upon /epi/ the circumcision /peritome/ only, or /e/ upon /epi/ the uncircumcision /akrobustia/ also /kai/? for /gar/ we say /lego/ that /hoti/ faith /pistis/ was reckoned /logizomai/ to Abraham /Abraam/ for /eis/ righteousness /dikaiosune/.

 Ro 4:12 And /kai/ the father /pater/ of circumcision /peritome/ to them who are not /ou/ of /ek/ the circumcision /peritome/ only /monon/, but /alla/ who also /kai/ walk /stoicheo/ in the steps /ichnos/ of that faith /pistis/ of our /hemon/ father /pater/ Abraham /Abraam/, which he had being /en/ yet uncircumcised /akrobustia/.

 Ro 4:13 For /gar/ the promise /epaggelia/, that he should be /einai/ the /autos/ heir /kleronomos/ of the world /kosmos/, was not /ou/ to Abraham /Abraam/, or /e/ to his /autos/ seed /sperma/, through /dia/ the law /nomos/, but /alla/ through /dia/ the righteousness /dikaiosune/ of faith /pistis/.

 Ro 4:16 Therefore /dia/ /touto/ it is of /ek/ faith /pistis/, that /hina/ it might be by /kata/ grace /charis/; to the end /eis/ the promise /epaggelia/ might be /einai/ sure /bebaios/ to all /pas/ the seed /sperma/; not /ou/ to that only /monon/ which is of /ek/ the law /nomos/, but /alla/ to that also /kai/ which is of /ek/ the faith /pistis/ of Abraham /Abraam/; who /hos/ is /esti/ the father /pater/ of us /hemon/ all /pas/,

 Ro 9:7 Neither /oude/, because /hoti/ they are /eisi/ the seed /sperma/ of Abraham /Abraam/, are they all /pas/ children /teknon/: but /alla/, In /en/ Isaac /Isaak/ shall /kaleo/ thy /soi/ seed /sperma/ be called /kaleo/.

 Ro 11:1 I say /lego/ then /oun/, /me/ Hath /apotheomai/ God /theos/ cast away /apotheomai/ his /autos/ people /laos/? God forbid /me/ /ginomai/. For /gar/ I /ego/ also /kai/ am /eimi/ an Israelite /Israelites/, of /ek/ the seed /sperma/ of Abraham /Abraam/, of the tribe /phule/ of Benjamin /Beniamin/.

 2Co 11:22 Are they /eisi/ Hebrews /Hebraios/? so am I /kago/. Are they /eisi/ Israelites /Israelites/? so am I /kago/. Are they /eisi/ the seed /sperma/ of Abraham /Abraam/? so am I /kago/.

 Ga 3:6 Even as /kathos/ Abraham /Abraam/ believed /pisteuo/ God /theos/, and /kai/ it was accounted /logizomai/ to him /autos/ for /eis/ righteousness /dikaiosune/. {accounted: or, imputed}

 Ga 3:7 Know ye /ginosko/ therefore /ara/ that /hoti/ they which are of /ek/ faith /pistis/, the same /houtos/ are /eisi/ the children /huios/ of Abraham /Abraam/.

 Ga 3:8 And /de/ the scripture /graphe/, foreseeing /proeido/ that /hoti/ God /theos/ would justify /dikaioo/ the heathen /ethnos/ through /ek/ faith /pistis/, preached before the gospel /proeuaggelizomai/ unto Abraham /Abraam/, saying, /hoti/ In /en/ thee /soi/ shall /eneulogeo/ all /pas/ nations /ethnos/ be blessed /eneulogeo/.

 Ga 3:9 So then /hoste/ they which be of /ek/ faith /pistis/ are blessed /eulogeo/ with /sun/ faithful /pistos/ Abraham /Abraam/.

 Ga 3:14 That /hina/ the blessing /eulogia/ of Abraham /Abraam/ might come /ginomai/ on /eis/ the Gentiles /ethnos/ through /en/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/; that /hina/ we might receive /lambano/ the promise /epaggelia/ of the Spirit /pneuma/ through /dia/ faith /pistis/.

 Ga 3:16 Now /de/ to Abraham /Abraam/ and /kai/ his /autos/ seed /sperma/ were /rheo/ the promises /epaggelia/ made /rheo/. He saith /lego/ not /ou/, And /kai/ to seeds /sperma/, as /hos/ of /epi/ many /polus/; but /alla/ as /hos/ of /epi/ one /heis/, And /kai/ to thy /sou/ seed /sperma/, which /hos/ is /esti/ Christ /Christos/.

 Ga 3:18 For /gar/ if /ei/ the inheritance /kleronomia/ be of /ek/ the law /nomos/, it is no more /ouketi/ of /ek/ promise /epaggelia/: but /de/ God /theos/ gave /charizomai/ it to Abraham /Abraam/ by /dia/ promise /epaggelia/.

 Ga 3:29 And /de/ if /ei/ ye /humeis/ be Christ’s /Christos/, then /ara/ are ye /este/ Abraham’s /Abraam/ seed /sperma/, and /kai/ heirs /kleronomos/ according /kata/ to the promise /epaggelia/.

 Ga 4:22 For /gar/ it is written /grapho/, that /hoti/ Abraham /Abraam/ had /echo/ two /duo/ sons /huios/, the one /heis/ by /ek/ a bondmaid /paidiske/, /kai/ the other /heis/ by /ek/ a freewoman /eleutheros/.

 Heb 2:16 For /gar/ verily /depou/ he took /epilambanomai/ not /ou/ on /epilambanomai/ him the nature of angels /aggelos/; but /alla/ he took on /epilambanomai/ him the seed /sperma/ of Abraham /Abraam/. {took not…: Gr. taketh not hold of angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold}

 Heb 6:13 For /gar/ when God /theos/ made promise /epaggello/ to Abraham /Abraam/, because /epei/ he could /echo/ swear /omnuo/ by /kata/ no /oudeis/ greater /meizon/, he sware /omnuo/ by /kata/ himself /heautou/,

 Heb 7:1 For /gar/ this /houtos/ Melchisedec /Melchisedek/, king /basileus/ of Salem /Salem/, priest /hiereus/ of the most high /hupsistos/ God /theos/, who /ho/ met /sunantao/ Abraham /Abraam/ returning /hupostrepho/ from /apo/ the slaughter /kope/ of the kings /basileus/, and /kai/ blessed /eulogeo/ him /autos/;

 Heb 7:2 To whom /hos/ also /kai/ Abraham /Abraam/ gave /merizo/ a tenth part /dekate/ of /apo/ all /pas/; first /proton/ /men/ being by interpretation /hermeneuo/ King /basileus/ of righteousness /dikaiosune/, and /de/ after that /epeita/ also /kai/ King /basileus/ of Salem /Salem/, which is /ho esti/, King /basileus/ of peace /eirene/;

 Heb 7:4 Now /de/ consider /theoreo/ how great /pelikos/ this man /houtos/ was, unto whom /hos/ even /kai/ the patriarch /patriarches/ Abraham /Abraam/ gave /didomi/ the tenth /dekate/ of /ek/ the spoils /akrothinion/.

 Heb 7:5 And /kai/ verily /men/ they that are of /ek/ the sons /huios/ of Levi /Leui/, who /ho/ receive /lambano/ the office of the priesthood /hierateia/, have /echo/ a commandment /entole/ to take tithes /apodekatoo/ of the people /laos/ according to /kata/ the law /nomos/, that is /toutesti/, of their /autos/ brethren /adelphos/, though /kaiper/ they come /exerchomai/ out of /ek/ the loins /osphus/ of Abraham /Abraam/:

 Heb 7:6 But /de/ he whose descent is /genealogeo/ not /me/ counted /genealogeo/ from /ek/ them /autos/ received tithes /dekatoo/ of Abraham /Abraam/, and /kai/ blessed /eulogeo/ him that had /echo/ the promises /epaggelia/. {descent: or, pedigree}

 Heb 7:9 And /kai/ as /hos/ I may so say /epos/ /epo/, Levi /Leui/ also /kai/, who /ho/ receiveth /lambano/ tithes /dekate/, payed tithes /dekatoo/ in /dia/ Abraham /Abraam/.

 Heb 11:8 By faith /pistis/ Abraham /Abraam/, when he was called /kaleo/ to go out /exerchomai/ into /eis/ a place /topos/ which /hos/ he should after /mello/ receive /lambano/ for /eis/ an inheritance /kleronomia/, obeyed /hupakouo/; and /kai/ he went out /exerchomai/, not /me/ knowing /epistamai/ whither /pou/ he went /erchomai/.

 Heb 11:17 By faith /pistis/ Abraham /Abraam/, when he was tried /peirazo/, offered up /prosphero/ Isaac /Isaak/: and /kai/ he that had received /anadechomai/ the promises /epaggelia/ offered up /prosphero/ his only begotten /monogenes/ son,

 Jas 2:21 Was /dikaioo/ not /ou/ Abraham /Abraam/ our /hemon/ father /pater/ justified /dikaioo/ by /ek/ works /ergon/, when he had offered /anaphero/ Isaac /Isaak/ his /autos/ son /huios/ upon /epi/ the altar /thusiasterion/?

 Jas 2:23 And /kai/ the scripture /graphe/ was fulfilled /pleroo/ which saith /lego/, /de/ Abraham /Abraam/ believed /pisteuo/ God /theos/, and /kai/ it was imputed /logizomai/ unto him /autos/ for /eis/ righteousness /dikaiosune/: and /kai/ he was called /kaleo/ the Friend /philos/ of God /theos/.

 1Pe 3:6 Even as /hos/ Sara /Sarrha/ obeyed /hupakouo/ Abraham /Abraam/, calling /kaleo/ him /autos/ lord /kurios/: whose /hos/ daughters /teknon/ ye are /ginomai/, as long as ye do well /agathopoieo/, and /kai/ are /phobeo/ not /me/ afraid /phobeo/ with any /medeis/ amazement /ptoesis/. {daughters: Gr. children}


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