
or prolonged Abiyahuw {ab-ee-yaw’-hoo}; from ‘ab and Yahh; father (i.e. worshipper) of Jah; Abijah, the name of several Israelite men and two Israelitesses:–Abiah, Abijah.

‘AbiyahAbiah1 Samuel 8:2
1 Chronicles 2:24
1 Chronicles 6:28
1 Chronicles 7:8
‘AbiyahAbijah1 Ki 14:1, 1 Ch 24:10,
2 Ch 11:20, 2 Ch 11:22,
2 Ch 12:16, 2 Ch 13:1,
2 Ch 13:2, 2 Ch 13:3,
2 Ch 13:4, 2 Ch 13:15,
2 Ch 13:17, 2 Ch 13:19,
2 Ch 13:20, 2 Ch 13:21,
2 Ch 13:22, 2 Ch 14:1,
2 Ch 29:1, Ne 10:7,
Ne 12:4, Ne 12:17
‘AbiyahAbia1 Chronicles 3:10
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