
G2.  Aaron,  ah-ar-ohn’

of Hebrew origin (H175); Aaron, the brother of Moses:–Aaron.

AaronAaronLu 1:5
Ac 7:40
Heb 5:4
Heb 7:11
Heb 9:4


Lu 1:5 There was /ginomai/ in /en/ the days /hemera/ of Herod /Herodes/, the king /basileus/ of Judaea /Ioudaia/, a certain /tis/ priest /hiereus/ named /onoma/ Zacharias /Zacharias/, of /ek/ the course /ephemeria/ of Abia /Abia/: and /kai/ his /autos/ wife /gune/ was of /ek/ the daughters /thugater/ of Aaron /Aaron/, and /kai/ her /autos/ name /onoma/ was Elisabeth /Elisabet/.

Ac 7:40 Saying /epo/ unto Aaron /Aaron/, Make /poieo/ us /hemin/ gods /theos/ to /hos/ go before /proporeuomai/ us /hemon/: for /gar/ as for this /houtos/ Moses /Moseus/, which /hos/ brought /exago/ us /hemas/ out of /ek/ the land /ge/ of Egypt /Aiguptos/, we wot /eido/ not /ou/ what /tis/ is become /ginomai/ of him /autos/.

Heb 5:4 And /kai/ no /ou/ man /tis/ taketh /lambano/ this honour /time/ unto himself /heautou/, but /alla/ he that is called /kaleo/ of /hupo/ God /theos/, as /kathaper/ /kai/ was Aaron /Aaron/.

Heb 7:11 If /ei/ /men/ therefore /oun/ perfection /teleiosis/ were /en/ by /dia/ the Levitical /Leuitikos/ priesthood /hierosune/, (for /gar/ under /epi/ it /autos/ the people /laos/ received the law /nomotheteo/,) what /tis/ further /eti/ need /chreia/ was there that another /heteros/ priest /hiereus/ should rise /anistemi/ after /kata/ the order /taxis/ of Melchisedec /Melchisedek/, and /kai/ not /ou/ be called /lego/ after /kata/ the order /taxis/ of Aaron /Aaron/?

Heb 9:4 Which had /echo/ the golden /chruseos/ censer /thumiasterion/, and /kai/ the ark /kibotos/ of the covenant /diatheke/ overlaid /perikalupto/ round about /pantothen/ with gold /chrusion/, wherein /en/ /hos/ was the golden /chruseos/ pot /stamnos/ that had /echo/ manna /manna/, and /kai/ Aaron’s /Aaron/ rod /rhabdos/ that budded /blastano/, and /kai/ the tables /plax/ of the covenant /diatheke/;


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