A friend at midnight quiz

This quiz is based on the parable of the friend at midnight recorded in Luke 11:5-13 NIV.
NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Why did the man go to ask for bread from his friend?
2. At what time did the man go to his friend to ask for bread?
3. Why was the friend reluctant to give bread to the man?
4. Why did the friend finally give bread to the man?
5. Jesus said if we ask,                               .
6. Jesus said if we knock,                               .
7. Jesus said if we seek,                               .
8. Anyone who asks                               .
9. According to Jesus, our parents love us so much that if we ask for fish, they will not give us                                       .
10. According to Jesus, our parents love us so much that if we ask for eggs, they will not give us                                       .
11. God will give us the Holy Spirit if we                            .
12. The story of the man who went to his friend to ask for bread is referred to as a                           .


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