
G1.  a,   al’-fah

of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet; figuratively, only (from its use as a numeral) the first: –Alpha. Often used (usually an, before a vowel) also in composition (as a contraction from aneu) in the sense of privation; so, in many words, beginning with this letter; occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of hama).

aAlphaRe 1:8, Re 1:11, Re 21:6, Re 22:13


Re 1:8 I /ego/ am /eimi/ Alpha /a/ and /kai/ Omega /omega/, the beginning /arche/ and /kai/ the ending /telos/, saith /lego/ the Lord /kurios/, which /ho/ is /on/ /ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos/, and /kai/ which /ho/ was /en/ /ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos/, and /kai/ which /ho/ is to come /erchomai/ /ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos/, the Almighty /pantokrator/.

Re 1:11 Saying /lego/, I /ego/ am /eimi/ Alpha /a/ and /kai/ Omega /omega/, the first /protos/ and /kai/ the last /eschatos/: and /kai/, What /hos/ thou seest /blepo/, write /grapho/ in /eis/ a book /biblion/, and /kai/ send /pempo/ it unto the seven /hepta/ churches /ekklesia/ which /ho/ are in /en/ Asia /Asia/; unto /eis/ Ephesus /Ephesos/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ Smyrna /Smurna/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ Pergamos /Pergamos/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ Thyatira /Thuateira/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ Sardis /Sardeis/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ Philadelphia /Philadelpheia/, and /kai/ unto /eis/ Laodicea /Laodikeia/.

Re 21:6 And /kai/ he said /epo/ unto me /moi/, It is done /ginomai/. I /ego/ am /eimi/ Alpha /a/ and /kai/ Omega /omega/, the beginning /arche/ and /kai/ the end /telos/. I /ego/ will give /didomi/ unto him that is athirst /dipsao/ of /ek/ the fountain /pege/ of the water /hudor/ of life /zoe/ freely /dorean/.

Re 22:13 I /ego/ am /eimi/ Alpha /a/ and /kai/ Omega /omega/, the beginning /arche/ and /kai/ the end /telos/, the first /protos/ and /kai/ the last /eschatos/.


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