33 As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. (Romans 9:33 KJV)
William Burkitt’s Commentary
Observe here, 1. What use and office our Lord Jesus Christ is of to his church: he is a stone, a corner-stone, the chief corner-stone; a corner-stone for strength, the chief corner-stone for ornament and beauty. As the cornerstone bears the weight of the building, so does Christ bear the weight of his church, and supports all the pillars and supporters of it; yet this precious cornerstone is accidentally and eventually a stone of stumbling, and rock of offence. Some are offended at the poverty of his person and the meanness of his condition, others at the sublimity and sanctity of his doctrine; some are offended at his cross, others at his free grace; but such as instead of being offended at him do believe on him, shall never be ashamed of, or confounded by him.
Learn hence, That those who, according to the direction of the gospel, do believe in our Lord Jesus Christ shall never have cause to be ashamed.
Here note, What they shall not be ashamed of; When and why they shall not be ashamed:
1. What the sincere believer shall not be ashamed of.
Answer He shall never be ashamed of his choice; he shall not be ashamed of his profession; he shall never be ashamed of the cause and interest of Christ, which he has owned and vindicated in the world: he shall never be ashamed of the work and service of Christ, nor of any time sincerely spent in that work and service; he shall never be ashamed of his reproaches and sufferings, tribulation and persecutions for the sake of Christ.
In a word, he shall never be ashamed hereafter that he never was ashamed here, either of Christ and his gospel, his work and service, or his cause and interest.
Note, 2. When the believer shall not be ashamed; namely, when he is called forth to bear his testimony for Christ before the world at the hour of death and at the day of judgment: neither the dreadfulness of the day, nor the majesty of the judge, nor the number of the accusers, nor the impartiality of the sentence, nor the separation that shall then be made will in the least cause him to be ashamed.
Note, 3. Why the believer shall never be ashamed.
Answer The cause of shame is removed and taken away, namely, sin; those only from whom he can reasonably fear shame will never be ashamed of him; he can look at God and Christ, his own conscience, and the whole world in the face without shame and blushing.