What is the meaning of Romans 9:17?

17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth. (Romans 9:17 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Apostle Paul here proceeds to remove another objection, namely, the seeming injustice or severity of rejecting the Jews and reserving them to wrath, giving them up to an obdurate heart because they would not accept the way which the wisdom of God had appointed for their justification, which is faith in his Son Jesus Christ. This he clears by another instance; to wit, that of Pharoah, who had so often hardened his own heart obstinately and provoked God, at last, to harden him judicially.  For this cause, says God,  have I raised thee up; in the original, it is,  I have made thee stand; that is, “I have sustained thee, and kept thee alive when thou deserves and mightest justly have expected to be cut off by the several plagues inflicted on thee for thy obstinate hardness of heart,  that I might shew my power in thee, &c.

Or, “I have patiently borne thy stubbornness for a long time, that my power and justice might more illustriously appear at last in that conspicuous judgment, which I will execute upon thee in the sight of all the nations of the earth.”

Learn hence, That some sinners, whom the patience of God has long waited upon, are preserved of him, and raised out of great and imminent dangers by him for this end; namely, to make them examples of his just indignation against stubborn and obdurate rebels, and that in the most illustrious and signal manner.  For this cause have I raised thee up, that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.

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