What is the meaning of Romans 6:9-10?

9 Knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him. 10 For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. (Romans 6:9-10 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Here the apostle declares both the death which Christ once died and the life which he now liveth. 

Observe, 1. The death which Christ died; he died unto sin once, that is, either,

1. He died for sin once, namely, to expiate the guilt of sin, and to make atonement for sinners; or else,

2. He died to sin; that is, to destroy, conquer, and subdue sin in the hearts and lives of his children and people, by the aid and assistance of his Holy Spirit.

Observe, 2. The life which Christ now lives after his resurrection; he lives unto God, and dies no more.

Here note, 1. The perpetuity and immortality of his life; he dieth no more. Christ has done his work, in taking away the guilt and power of sin: let us look to it, that we do ours.

Note, 2. The perfection and blessedness of his life. He liveth unto God, or liveth forever with God; by which the Son hath with the Father; he is one with him, and lives forever in the enjoyment of him.

Learn hence, That the due consideration of Christ’s resurrection from the dead, will mightily promote the spiritual life in us.

This it does in these three ways:

1. As evidences of the truth and verity of the Christian religion that Christ is no impostor or deceiver. In the judgment of the world, Christ died as a malefactor; but God justified him, acquitted and freed him from the imputation by raising him from the dead.

2. Christ’s resurrection shows the perfection of his sacrifice and satisfaction that nothing more is needful to take away sin; when the surety is let out of prison, the debtor may be assured that his debt is paid.

3. Christ’s arising is a pledge and assurance of our resurrection and so promotes holiness in us by obliging us to live as the candidates of heaven, as the children of the resurrection, and as becomes the heirs of such glorious hopes.