What is the meaning of Romans 6:8?

8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: (Romans 6:8 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Observe here, 1. A supposition, or presupposed condition; the thing supposed, is the baptized persons being dead with Christ; If we be dead with him, that is, by the exercise of daily mortification: If we have fellowship and communion with him in his death, that as he died for sin, we daily die to sin: 

Then followeth, 2. The inference or conclusion, We shall also live with him; that is, We that have had fellowship with him in his death, shall have communion with him in his resurrection: We shall live with him a life of grace and glory, of regeneration and glorification, one to newness of life and the other to everlasting life.

Hence learn, That all those that are dead with Christ, have no reason to doubt but that they shall also live with him.

But who are the persons that may be said to be dead with Christ?

Ans. 1. All such as own the obligation which their baptismal vow and Christian profession puts upon them, and solemnly lays them under; namely, to keep the whole gospel, even as they who were circumcised were obliged to keep the whole law.

2. Such as make conscience of it, daily endeavour to perform it, and obtain the success of their endeavours in such a degree that the reign of sin is broken, though sin itself is not totally destroyed.

These may be said to be dead and crucified with Christ, having by the assistance of his Spirit, in some measure crucified the flesh with its inordinate affections and lusts; and if they here live like him, so they shall also live with him: Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him.