What does Acts 2:1-4 mean?

1 And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. 4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:1-4 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

In this extraordinary and miraculous descent of the Holy Ghost upon the apostles;

Observe, 1. The time, When the day of Pentecost was fully come; that is, fifty days after Christ’s resurrection. The day of Pentecost is probably believed to have fallen then upon the Lord’s day; it is certain, from Acts 1 that the Spirit descended when the apostles were unanimously assembled for his worship, and continued with one accord in prayer and supplication. There is no way to obtain the Holy Spirit from heaven, both as a sanctifier and as a comforter, like fervent prayer, assiduity and perseverance in our devotions, especially in the public assemblies of the saints.

Observe, 2. The place where; at Jerusalem, the more general place where our Lord had undergone his ignominy and reproach, there he manifests forth his glory and dignity: First by his triumphant ascension, and afterwards by his miraculous mission of the Holy Spirit. The more particular place was the upper room where they were assembled and constantly prayed. This upper chamber was most raised towards heaven, most remote form noise and company, and worldly distractions. The Spirit of God descends upon and rests with such as have raised affection above the world, and are nearest unto heaven; not upon such as are buried alive in worldly business. Earth will extinguish fire as well as water, as some say sooner; not only sensual lust, but an excess of earthly business and worldly drudgery, will quench the Holy Spirit, and cause him to depart and go away aggrieved from us.

Observe, 3. The persons on whom the Holy Ghost thus descended: namely, the apostles; not that they were without the Holy Spirit until now; they had him before in his sanctifying graces; here they received him in his extraordinary gifts, to fit them for extraordinary services. When God extraordinarily calls any of his servants to more than ordinary service, they; may expect more than ordinary assistance. The Holy Spirit now descended upon the apostles in his miraculous gifts, and if we be not wanting to ourselves, he will descend upon us in invisible favours every day, making our souls and bodies a temple, and fit habitation for himself to dwell in, by his sanctifying impressions, by his powerful assistances, by his quickening influences; pouring in both the oil of grace, and also the oil of joy and gladness into our hearts.

Observe, 4. The manner how the Holy Ghost at this time descended on the apostles:

1. Suddenly, like the wind: A mighty rushing wind from heaven: insinuating, that it was not the apostles’ prayer that brought, but Christ’s promise and power, that sent the Holy Ghost thus miraculously down upon them. This rushing wind also represents the mighty efficacy of the Holy Spirit now descending.

2. In the appearance of fiery cloven tongues; cloven, to signify the variety of languages which the the apostles should be enabled to speak, and to qualify them to preach the gospel unto all nations: And fiery, to represent that fervent heat and zeal they should be endued with themselves; that divine light they should impart to others; as also that purity and holiness which they and all succeeding ministers of the gospel ought to appear beautified and adorned with: Finally, As fire dissipateth and disperseth, multiplieth and increaseth, even so the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, the more they are diffused and well employed, the more will they be increased; by imparting to our people, we shall gather to ourselves.

Thus was our Lord’s promise fulfilled to his apostles, in sending down the Holy Ghost upon them, but not upon them only; the private Christian no doubt, as well as the public apostle, did receive the Holy Spirit according to his measure: To enlightnen, as a spirit of knowledge; to enliven, as a spirit of life; to warm and hear, as a spirit of zeal; to mollify and soften, as a spirit of holy fear; to quicken and strengthen, as a spirit of power; to guide and direct, as a spirit of wisdom and counsel; to unite and knit their hearts together, as a spirit of love. And blessed be God for the promise of the same Holy Spirit to abide with all believers, though not in his miraculous gifts, yet in his sanctifying operations and saving graces, to the end of the world.