What does John 5:41-43 mean?

41 I receive not honour from men. 42 But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. 43 I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. (John 5:41-43 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Here observe, 1. How little our Saviour sought the approbation and vain-glorious estimation of men, I receive not honour from men. The same should all his disciples and followers do; rest satisfied in the secret testimony and silent applause of their own consciences, without pumping for popular applause.

Observe, 2. The dreadful sin which Christ charges upon the Jews, as the cause why they rejected him, I know that ye have not the love of God in you. Oh! deplorable state and case, to be void of all true love to God! Love being the spring of all action, and the root of all true obedience, he that loves God, will not only sweat at his work, but bleed at his work too, if his work cannot be carried on without bleeding. But where love of God is wanting, and no care to please God is found, his authority is despised, his Son rejected: as the Jews here would not come to Christ, that they might have life, because they had not the love of God in them.

Observe, 3. The high affront which the Jews offered to the Son of God in preferring any seducers or impostors before him, who came in their own names; whilst he was rejected, who came in the name of his Father.

Learn hence, That though Christ was the great Ambassador of his Father, not a servant, but a son, and had his mission, his approbation, and his testimony from heaven, yet so far did the perverseness and prejudices of the Jews prevail, that he was rejected, whilst impostors and deceivers, false Christs and anti-christs, without any evidence and authority from God (because promising them a temporal kingdom) were embraced and entertained; I am come in my Father’s name, and ye receive me not; but if another (a seducer) should come in his own name, him ye will receive.

As if Christ had said, You are incredulous to none but me: every cheat, that has but wit or wickedness to tell you, “The Lord hath sent him,” is believed by you; but though I come in my Father’s name, shewing a commission signed and sealed by him, and doing those works that none but a God can do, yet you receive me not. O unreasonable infidelity!