What does Matthew 5:2 mean?

Matthew 5:2 KJV
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

Matthew 5:2 NKJV
Then He opened His mouth and taught them, saying:

Matthew 5:2 MKJV
And He opened His mouth and taught them, saying,

Matthew 5:2 KJV 2000
And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying,

Interlinear KJV

And /kai/ he opened /anoigo/ his /autos/ mouth, /stoma/ and taught /didasko/ them, /autos/ saying, /lego/

Albert Barnes’ Commentary

Verse 2. No Barnes text on this verse.

{v} “taught them saying” Lu 6:20

John Wesley’s Notes

Matthew 5:2 Mt 5:2

V. 2. And he opened his mouth – A phrase which always denotes a set and solemn discourse; and taught them-To bless men; to make men happy, was the great business for which our Lord came into the world. And accordingly, he here pronounces eight blessings together, annexing them to so many steps in Christianity. Knowing that happiness is our common aim, and that an innate instinct continually urges us to the pursuit of it, he in the kindest manner applies to that instinct, and directs it to its proper object.

Though all men desire, yet few attain, happiness, because they seek it where it is not to be found. Our Lord therefore begins his Divine institution, which is the complete art of happiness, by laying down before all that have ears to hear, the true and only true method of acquiring it.

Observe the benevolent condescension of our Lord. He seems, as it were, to lay aside his supreme authority as our legislator, that he may the better act the part of: our friend and Saviour. Instead of using the lofty style, in positive commands, he, in a more gentle and engaging way, insinuates his will and our duty, by pronouncing those happy who comply with it.