What does Matthew 4:14 mean?

Matthew 4:14 KJV
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,

Matthew 4:14 NKJ
that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying:

Matthew 4:14 MKJV
so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying,

Matthew 4:14 KJV 2000
That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying,

Interlinear KJV

That /hina/ it might be fulfilled /pleroo/ which /ho/ was spoken /rheo/ by /dia/ Esaias /Hesaias/ the prophet, /prophetes/ saying, /lego/

Ripley 4 Gospels

That it might be fulfilled, &c. Jesus’ going to Galilee, and making Capernaum, a noted town in Galilee, the principal place of his residence, was in accordance with the prophetic language of Isaiah. The prophet (Isa 9:1-2) had foretold, that the region occupied by the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali should be reduced to a degraded state. This is the idea expressed by the term rendered lightly afflicted, by Isaiah. The prediction was fulfilled by the Assyrian kings, who conquered and depopulated that part of the country and the other parts occupied by the ten tribes. Thus that region was humbled, or made despicable. The prophet then proceeds to state, that in after times God would honor that region, or render it greatly distinguished. This, according to the ablest critical writers, is the thought expressed by the Hebrew word in Isaiah, which our translators have rendered did more grievously afflict. Now this latter part of the prediction had reference to the changes which would be effected in consequence of the Messiah’s coming. By his appearing and establishing his righteous cause, that land would be greatly honored. Our Lord’s going into that region, and making it the principal scene of his labors, naturally recalled to mind this prophecy, as then receiving a part of its fulfillment.

Also see Barnes for Mt 4:14-16