What does Matthew 4:5 mean?

Matthew 4:5 KJV
Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,

Matthew 4:5 NKJV
Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple,

Matthew 4:5 MKJV
Then the Devil took Him up into the holy city and set Him upon a pinnacle of the Temple.

Matthew 4:5 KJV 2000
Then the devil took him up into the holy city, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple,

Interlinear KJV

Then /tote/ the devil /diabolos/ taketh /paralambano/ him /autos/ up /paralambano/ into /eis/ the holy /hagios/ city, /polis/ and /kai/ setteth /histemi/ him /autos/ on /epi/ a pinnacle /pterugion/ of the temple, /hieron/

Albert Barnes’ Commentary

Verse 5. Taketh him up. This does not mean that he bore him through the air, or that he compelled him to go against his will, or that he wrought a miracle, in any way, to place him there. There is no evidence that Satan had power to do any of these things; and the word translated taketh him up does not imply any such thing. It means, to conduct one; to lead one; to attend or accompany one; or to induce one to go. It is used in the following places in the same sense. Numb. xxiii. 14: “And he (Balak) brought him (Balaam) into the field of Zophim,” etc.; that is, he led him, or induced him to go there. Mt 17:1: “And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James,” etc.; i.e. led, or conducted them–not by any means implying that he bore them by force. Mt 20:17: “Jesus, going to Jerusalem, took the twelve disciples apart,” etc. See also Mt 26:37; 27:27; Mr 5:40. From these passages, and many more, it appears that all that is meant here is, that Satan conducted Jesus, or accompanied him; but not that this was done against the will of Jesus.

The holy city. Jerusalem–called holy because the temple was there, and it was the place of religious solemnities.

Setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple. It is not perfectly certain to what part of the temple the sacred writer here refers. It has been supposed by some that he means the roof. But Josephus says that the roof was covered by spikes of gold, to prevent its being polluted by birds; and such a place would have been very inconvenient to stand upon. Others suppose that it was the top of the porch or entrance to the temple. But it is more than probable that the porch leading to the temple was not as high as the main building. It is more probable that he refers to a part of the sacred edifice sometimes called Solomon’s porch. The temple was built on the top of Mount Moriah. The temple itself, together with the courts and porches, occupied a large space of ground. See Barnes for Mt 21:12. To secure a level spot sufficiently large, it was necessary to put up a high wall on the east. The temple was surrounded with porches or piazzas fifty-five feet broad, and seventy-five high. The porch on the south side was, however, sixty-seven feet broad, and one hundred and fifty high. From the top of this to the bottom of the valley below was more than seven hundred feet; and Josephus says that one could scarcely look down without dizziness. The word pinnacle does not quite express the force of the original. It is a word given usually to birds, and denotes wings, or anything in the form of wings, and was given to the roof of this porch because it resembled a bird dropping its wings. It was on this place, doubtless, that Christ was placed.

Satan proposed that he should cast himself down thence; and, if he was the Son of God, he said it could do no harm. There was a promise that he should be protected. This promise was taken from Ps 91:11,12.

To this passage of Scripture Christ replied With another, which forbade the act. This is taken from De 6:16, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” That is, thou shalt not try him; or, thou shalt not, by throwing thyself into voluntary and uncommanded dangers, appeal to God for protection, or trifle with the promises made to those who are thrown into danger by his providence. It is true, indeed, that God aids those of his people who are placed by him in trial or danger; but it is not true that the promise was meant to extend to those who wantonly provoke him, and trifle with the promised help. Thus Satan, artfully using and perverting Scripture, was met and repelled by Scripture rightly applied.

{d} “up into the holy city” Ne 11:1; Mt 27:53