What does Luke 11:9-10 mean?

9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Luke 11:9-10 KJV)

William Burkitt’s Commentary

Our Saviour here goes on to urge us to importunity and constancy in prayer; he bids us ask, seek, and knock, and assures us we shall be accepted, heard, and answered.

Here note,

1. That man is a poor indigent creature, full of wants, but unable to supply them.

2. As man is an indigent and insufficient creature, so God is an all-sufficient good, able to supply the wants and to relieve the necessities of his creatures.

3. That Almighty God stands ready to supply all our wants, not temporal only, but spiritual also, affording his grace, and the assistance of his Holy Spirit, to them that ask it.

4. If therefore we want the grace of God, and the assistance of his Holy Spirit, it is our own fault, and not God’s; it is either for want of seeking or for want of earnestness in asking; for our Saviour expressly assures us, that God denies it to none; but every one that asketh receiveth.

BURKITT | Luke 11:1 | Luke 11:2-4 | Luke 11:5-8 | Luke 11:9-10 | Luke 11:11-13 | Luke 11:14-20 | Luke 11:21-26 | Luke 11:27-28 | Luke 11:29-32 | Luke 11:33-36 | Luke 11:37-40 | Luke 11:41 | Luke 11:42 | Luke 11:43 | Luke 11:44 | Luke 11:45-46 | Luke 11:47-54 |