What is the meaning of Mark 1:5?

Mr 1:5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.

William Burkitt

Here we have an account of the success of St. John’s ministry; 1. In the general concourse and resort of the people to it, All Judea and Jerusalem; that is, a great many of all degrees and ranks, of all ages and sexes. John was famed for a prophet, and a prophet was now a great rarity. Malachi was the last prophet before John, and he lived about five hundred years before John. Now the excellency of his person, the earnestness of his preaching, the acceptableness of his doctrine, that the Messias was come, and the austerity of his life and conversation, all these caused the people to flock unto him.

Learn hence, That it is a great encouragement to the ministers of Christ when people show themselves ready and forward to repair unto the places where the word and sacraments are dispensed to them: All Judea and Jerusalem attended upon John’s ministry.

The second fruit of John’s ministry was, that the people were ready to receive at his hand the sacrament of baptism: They were all baptised of him in Jordan.

Learn hence, That the ministers of Christ ought not only to preach the word, but also to dispense the sacraments to their people, even to all that do desire them, and are fit to be partakers of them.

A third fruit of John’s ministry was, his hearers’ profession of repentance is requisite in all that are baptized, so a free and voluntary, and ingenuous and impartial, confession of sin, is a good evidence and testimony of the truth and sincerity of our repentance.

BURKITT: | Mr 1:1 | Mr 1:2 | Mr 1:3 | Mr 1:4 | Mr 1:5 | Mr 1:6 | Mr 1:7 | Mr 1:8 | Mr 1:9-11 | Mr 1v12-13 | Mr 1:14-15 | Mr 1:16-20 | Mr 1:21-22 | Mr 1:23-27 | Mr 1:28-31 | Mr 1:32-34 | Mr 1:35 | Mr 1:36-39 | Mr 1:40-45 |