What is the meaning of Mark 1:3?

Mr 1:3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

William Burkitt

Here note, 1. The title given to John the Baptist: he is called a Voice, in respect of his ministerial office, which was to speak forth, to promulge and publish, the doctrine of salvation.

2. The quantity or kind of this voice, a crying voice, the voice of one crying.

This implies, 1. His earnestness and vehemency his zeal His and fervency, in preaching. When we lift up our voices and cry aloud, we speak with earnestness and fervour. When our own hearts are warmly affected by what we preach, we may hope to affect the hearts of our hearers. Why has God commissioned men rather than angels, to be the preachers and dispensers of his word, but because we can speak to and treat with sinners more feelingly and more affectionately than the angels can?

2. This crying of the holy Baptist in his preaching, implies his liberty and boldness, as well as vehemency and earnestness, in delivering his message. The lifting up of the voice in speaking, argues boldness and courage in the speaker; as, on the contrary, the depressing of the voice showeth timorousness.

Learn hence, That the ministers of the word are to use both zeal and earnestness, and also courage and boldness of spirit, in delivering the word and message of God, not forbearing to reprove sin, not concealing any part of God’s truth, for fear of men’s displeasure.

Observe, 3. The sum and substance of what he cried, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight; that is, “Make ready yourselves, prepare your own hearts, to entertain the doctrine and glad tidings of the gospel.” It is a metaphorical speech, taken from the custom of loyal and dutiful subjects, who, when their prince is coming to lodge in their city, prepare and make ready the way for his coming, by removing everything that may obstruct or hinder his progress.

Learn hence, That man’s heart by nature is very unfit to embrace and entertain the Lord Jesus Christ. We have naturally no fitness, no disposition, no inclination, to believe in him, or to submit unto him.

2. If ever we desire to entertain Christ in our hearts, we must first prepare and make fit our hearts for the receiving and embracing of him. For though the preparation of the heart be from the Lord, yet he requires the exercise of our faculties, and the use of our endeavours.

He prepares our hearts, by enabling us to the preparation of our own hearts. This is done by getting a sight of the evil of sin, a sense of our misery without Christ, an hungering and thirsting desire after him, and true faith in him. Christ will lodge in no heart that is not thus made ready to receive him.

BURKITT: | Mr 1:1 | Mr 1:2 | Mr 1:3 | Mr 1:4 | Mr 1:5 | Mr 1:6 | Mr 1:7 | Mr 1:8 | Mr 1:9-11 | Mr 1v12-13 | Mr 1:14-15 | Mr 1:16-20 | Mr 1:21-22 | Mr 1:23-27 | Mr 1:28-31 | Mr 1:32-34 | Mr 1:35 | Mr 1:36-39 | Mr 1:40-45 |