
G69. agrupneo, ag-roop-neh’-o

ultimately from -a (as negative particle) and hupnos; to be sleepless, i.e. keep awake:–watch.


Mr 13:33 Take ye heed /blepo/, watch /agrupneo/ and /kai/ pray /proseuchomai/: for /gar/ ye know /eido/ not /ou/ when /pote/ the time /kairos/ is /esti/.

Lu 21:36 Watch ye /agrupneo/ therefore /oun/, and pray /deomai/ always /en/ /pas/ /kairos/, that /hina/ ye may be accounted worthy /kataxioo/ to escape /ekpheugo/ all /pas/ these things /tauta/ that shall /mello/ come to pass /ginomai/, and /kai/ to stand /histemi/ before /emprosthen/ the Son /huios/ of man /anthropos/.

Eph 6:18 Praying /proseuchomai/ always /en/ /kairos/ /pas/ with /dia/ all /pas/ prayer /proseuche/ and /kai/ supplication /deesis/ in /en/ the Spirit /pneuma/, and /kai/ watching /agrupneo/ thereunto /eis/ /touto/ /autos/ with /en/ all /pas/ perseverance /proskarteresis/ and /kai/ supplication /deesis/ for /peri/ all /pas/ saints /hagios/;

Heb 13:17 Obey /peitho/ them that have the rule /hegeomai/ over you /humon/, and /kai/ submit yourselves /hupeiko/: for /gar/ they /autos/ watch /agrupneo/ for /huper/ your /humon/ souls /psuche/, as /hos/ they that must give /apodidomi/ account /logos/, that /hina/ they may do /poieo/ it /touto/ with /meta/ joy /chara/, and /kai/ not /me/ with grief /stenazo/: for /gar/ that /touto/ is unprofitable /alusiteles/ for you /humin/. {have…: or, guide}


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