
G66. agrios, ag’-ree-os

from agros; wild (as pertaining to the country), literally (natural) or figuratively (fierce):–wild, raging.


Mt 3:4 And /de/ the same /autos/ John /Ioannes/ had /echo/ his /autos/ raiment /enduma/ of /apo/ camel’s /kamelos/ hair /thrix/, and /kai/ a leathern /dermatinos/ girdle /zone/ about /peri/ his /autos/ loins /osphus/; and /de/ his /autos/ meat /trophe/ was /en/ locusts /akris/ and /kai/ wild /agrios/ honey /meli/.

Mr 1:6 And /de/ John /Ioannes/ was /en/ clothed /enduo/ with camel’s /kamelos/ hair /thrix/, and /kai/ with a girdle /zone/ of a skin /dermatinos/ about /peri/ his /autos/ loins /osphus/; and /kai/ he did eat /esthio/ locusts /akris/ and /kai/ wild /agrios/ honey /meli/;

Jude 1:13 Raging /agrios/ waves /kuma/ of the sea /thalassa/, foaming out /epaphrizo/ their own /heautou/ shame /aischune/; wandering /planetes/ stars /aster/, to whom /hos/ is reserved /tereo/ the blackness /zophos/ of darkness /skotos/ for /eis/ ever /aion/.


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