
G65. agrielaios, ag-ree-el’-ah-yos

from agrios and elaia; an oleaster:–olive tree (which is) wild.


Ro 11:17 And /de/ if some /ei tis/ of the branches /klados/ be broken off /ekklao/, and /de/ thou /su/, being /on/ a wild olive tree /agrielaios/, wert graffed in /egkentrizo/ among /en/ them /autos/, and /kai/ with /sugkoinonos/ them /ginomai/ partakest /sugkoinonos/ of the root /rhiza/ and /kai/ fatness /piotes/ of the olive tree /elaia/; {among them: or, for them}

Ro 11:24 For /gar/ if /ei/ thou /su/ wert cut /ekkopto/ out of /ek/ the olive tree which is wild /agrielaios/ by /kata/ nature /phusis/, and /kai/ wert graffed /egkentrizo/ contrary to /para/ nature /phusis/ into /eis/ a good olive tree /kallielaios/: how much /posos/ more /mallon/ shall these /houtos/, which be the natural /kata/ /phusis/ branches, be graffed into /egkentrizo/ their own /idios/ olive tree /elaia/?


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