
G59. agorazo, ag-or-ad’-zo

from agora; properly, to go to market, i.e. (by implication) to purchase; specially, to redeem:–buy, redeem.


Mt 13:44 Again /palin/, the kingdom /basileia/ of heaven /ouranos/ is /esti/ like /homoios/ unto treasure /thesauros/ hid /krupto/ in /en/ a field /agros/; the which /hos/ when a man /anthropos/ hath found /heurisko/, he hideth /krupto/, and /kai/ for /apo/ joy /chara/ thereof /autos/ goeth /hupago/ and /kai/ selleth /poleo/ all /pas/ that /hosos/ he hath /echo/, and /kai/ buyeth /agorazo/ that /ekeinos/ field /agros/.

Mt 13:46 Who /hos/, when he had found /heurisko/ one /heis/ pearl /margarites/ of great price /polutimos/, went /aperchomai/ and sold /piprasko/ all /pas/ that /hosos/ he had /echo/, and /kai/ bought /agorazo/ it /autos/.

Mt 14:15 And /de/ when it was /ginomai/ evening /opsios/, his /autos/ disciples /mathetes/ came /proserchomai/ to him /autos/, saying /lego/, This is /esti/ a desert /eremos/ place /topos/, and /kai/ the time /hora/ is now /ede/ past /parerchomai/; send /apoluo/ the multitude /ochlos/ away /apoluo/, that /hina/ they may go /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the villages /kome/, and buy /agorazo/ themselves /heautou/ victuals /broma/.

Mt 21:12 And /kai/ Jesus /Iesous/ went /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the temple /hieron/ of God /theos/, and /kai/ cast out /ekballo/ all them /pas/ that sold /poleo/ and /kai/ bought /agorazo/ in /en/ the temple /hieron/, and /kai/ overthrew /katastrepho/ the tables /trapeza/ of the moneychangers /kollubistes/, and /kai/ the seats /kathedra/ of them that sold /poleo/ doves /peristera/,

Mt 25:9 But /de/ the wise /phronimos/ answered /apokrinomai/, saying /lego/, Not so; lest /mepote/ there be /arkeo/ not /ou/ enough /arkeo/ for us /hemin/ and /kai/ you /humin/: but /de/ go ye /poreuomai/ rather /mallon/ to them /pros/ that sell /poleo/, and /kai/ buy /agorazo/ for yourselves /heautou/.

Mt 25:10 And /de/ while they /autos/ went /aperchomai/ to buy /agorazo/, the bridegroom /numphios/ came /erchomai/; and /kai/ they that were ready /hetoimos/ went in /eiserchomai/ with /meta/ him /autos/ to /eis/ the marriage /gamos/: and /kai/ the door /thura/ was shut /kleio/.

Mt 27:7 And /de/ they took /lambano/ counsel /sumboulion/, and bought /agorazo/ with /ek/ them /autos/ the potter’s /kerameus/ field /agros/, to /eis/ bury /taphe/ strangers /xenos/ in /taphe/.

Mr 6:36 Send /apoluo/ them /autos/ away /apoluo/, that /hina/ they may go /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the country /agros/ round about /kuklo/, and /kai/ into the villages /kome/, and buy /agorazo/ themselves /heautou/ bread /artos/: for /gar/ they have /echo/ nothing /tis/ /ou/ to eat /phago/.

Mr 6:37 He answered /apokrinomai/ and /de/ said /epo/ unto them /autos/, Give /didomi/ ye /humeis/ them /autos/ to eat /phago/. And /kai/ they say /lego/ unto him /autos/, Shall we go /aperchomai/ and buy /agorazo/ two hundred /diakosioi/ pennyworth /denarion/ of bread /artos/, and /kai/ give /didomi/ them /autos/ to eat /phago/? {pennyworth: the Roman penny is sevenpence halfpenny}

Mr 11:15 And /kai/ they come /erchomai/ to /eis/ Jerusalem /Hierosoluma/: and /kai/ Jesus /Iesous/ went /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the temple /hieron/, and began /archomai/ to cast out /ekballo/ them that sold /poleo/ and /kai/ bought /agorazo/ in /en/ the temple /hieron/, and /kai/ overthrew /katastrepho/ the tables /trapeza/ of the moneychangers /kollubistes/, and /kai/ the seats /kathedra/ of them /autos/ that sold /poleo/ doves /peristera/;

Mr 15:46 And /kai/ he bought /agorazo/ fine linen /sindon/, and /kai/ took him down /kathaireo/, and wrapped /eneileo/ him /autos/ in the linen /sindon/, and /kai/ laid /katatithemi/ him /autos/ in /en/ a sepulchre /mnemeion/ which /hos/ was /en/ hewn /latomeo/ out of /ek/ a rock /petra/, and /kai/ rolled /proskulio/ a stone /lithos/ unto /epi/ the door /thura/ of the sepulchre /mnemeion/.

Mr 16:1 And /kai/ when /diaginomai/ the sabbath /sabbaton/ was past /diaginomai/, Mary /Maria/ Magdalene /Magdalene/, and /kai/ Mary /Maria/ the mother /ho/ of James /Iakobos/, and /kai/ Salome /Salome/, had bought /agorazo/ sweet spices /aroma/, that /hina/ they might come /erchomai/ and anoint /aleipho/ him /autos/.

Lu 9:13 But /de/ he said /epo/ unto /pros/ them /autos/, Give /didomi/ ye /humeis/ them /autos/ to eat /phago/. And /de/ they said /epo/, We /hemin/ have no /ou/ /eisi/ more /pleion/ but /e/ five /pente/ loaves /artos/ and /kai/ two /duo/ fishes /ichthus/; except /ei me ti/ we /hemeis/ should go /poreuomai/ and buy /agorazo/ meat /broma/ for /eis/ all /pas/ this /touton/ people /laos/.

Lu 14:18 And /kai/ they all /pas/ with /apo/ one /mia/ consent began /archomai/ to make excuse /paraiteomai/. The first /protos/ said /epo/ unto him /autos/, I have bought /agorazo/ a piece of ground /agros/, and /kai/ I must /echo/ needs /anagke/ go /exerchomai/ and /kai/ see /eido/ it /autos/: I pray /erotao/ thee /se/ have /echo/ me /me/ excused /paraiteomai/.

Lu 14:19 And /kai/ another /heteros/ said /epo/, I have bought /agorazo/ five /pente/ yoke /zeugos/ of oxen /bous/, and /kai/ I go /poreuomai/ to prove /dokimazo/ them /autos/: I pray /erotao/ thee /se/ have /echo/ me /me/ excused /paraiteomai/.

Lu 17:28 Likewise /homoios/ also /kai/ as /hos/ it was /ginomai/ in /en/ the days /hemera/ of Lot /Lot/; they did eat /esthio/, they drank /pino/, they bought /agorazo/, they sold /poleo/, they planted /phuteuo/, they builded /oikodomeo/;

Lu 19:45 And /kai/ he went /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the temple /hieron/, and began /archomai/ to cast out /ekballo/ them that sold /poleo/ therein /en/ /autos/, and /kai/ them that bought /agorazo/;

Lu 22:36 Then /oun/ said he /epo/ unto them /autos/, But /alla/ now /nun/, he that hath /echo/ a purse /balantion/, let him take /airo/ it, and /kai/ likewise /homoios/ his scrip /pera/: and /kai/ he that hath /echo/ no /me/ sword /machaira/, let him sell /poleo/ his /autos/ garment /himation/, and /kai/ buy /agorazo/ one.

Joh 4:8 (For /gar/ his /autos/ disciples /mathetes/ were gone away /aperchomai/ unto /eis/ the city /polis/ to /hina/ buy /agorazo/ meat /trophe/.)

Joh 6:5 When Jesus /Iesous/ then /oun/ lifted up /epairo/ his eyes /ophthalmos/, and /kai/ saw /theaomai/ /hoti/ a great /polus/ company /ochlos/ come /erchomai/ unto /pros/ him /autos/, he saith /lego/ unto /pros/ Philip /Philippos/, Whence /pothen/ shall we buy /agorazo/ bread /artos/, that /hina/ these /houtos/ may eat /phago/?

Joh 13:29 For /gar/ some /tis/ of them thought /dokeo/, because /epei/ Judas /Ioudas/ had /echo/ the bag /glossokomon/, that /hoti/ Jesus /Iesous/ had said /lego/ unto him /autos/, Buy /agorazo/ those things that /hos/ we have /echo/ need of /chreia/ against /eis/ the feast /heorte/; or /e/, that /hina/ he should give /didomi/ something /tis/ to the poor /ptochos/.

1Co 6:20 For /gar/ ye are bought /agorazo/ with a price /time/: therefore /de/ glorify /doxazo/ God /theos/ in /en/ your /humon/ body /soma/, and /kai/ in /en/ your /humon/ spirit /pneuma/, which /hostis/ are /esti/ God’s /theos/.

1Co 7:23 Ye are bought /agorazo/ with a price /time/; be /ginomai/ not /me/ ye /ginomai/ the servants /doulos/ of men /anthropos/.

1Co 7:30 And /kai/ they that weep /klaio/, as /hos/ though they wept /klaio/ not /me/; and /kai/ they that rejoice /chairo/, as /hos/ though they rejoiced /chairo/ not /me/; and /kai/ they that buy /agorazo/, as /hos/ though they possessed /katecho/ not /me/;

2Pe 2:1 But /de/ there were /ginomai/ false prophets /pseudoprophetes/ also /kai/ among /en/ the people /laos/, even /kai/ as /hos/ there shall be /esomai/ false teachers /pseudodidaskalos/ among /en/ you /humin/, who /hostis/ privily shall bring in /pareisago/ damnable /apoleia/ heresies /hairesis/, even /kai/ denying /arneomai/ the Lord /despotes/ that bought /agorazo/ them /autos/, and bring /epago/ upon themselves /heautou/ swift /tachinos/ destruction /apoleia/.

Re 3:18 I counsel /sumbouleuo/ thee /soi/ to buy /agorazo/ of /para/ me /emou/ gold /chrusion/ tried /puroo/ in /ek/ the fire /pur/, that /hina/ thou mayest be rich /plouteo/; and /kai/ white /leukos/ raiment /himation/, that /hina/ thou mayest be clothed /periballo/, and /kai/ that the shame /aischune/ of thy /sou/ nakedness /gumnotes/ do /phaneroo/ not /me/ appear /phaneroo/; and /kai/ anoint /egchrio/ thine /sou/ eyes /ophthalmos/ with eyesalve /kollourion/, that /hina/ thou mayest see /blepo/.

Re 5:9 And /kai/ they sung /ado/ a new /kainos/ song /ode/, saying /lego/, Thou art /ei/ worthy /axios/ to take /lambano/ the book /biblion/, and /kai/ to open /anoigo/ the seals /sphragis/ thereof /autos/: for /hoti/ thou wast slain /sphazo/, and /kai/ hast redeemed /agorazo/ us /hemas/ to God /theos/ by /en/ thy /sou/ blood /haima/ out of /ek/ every /pas/ kindred /phule/, and /kai/ tongue /glossa/, and /kai/ people /laos/, and /kai/ nation /ethnos/;

Re 13:17 And /kai/ that no /hina me/ man /tis/ might /dunamai/ buy /agorazo/ or /e/ sell /poleo/, save he /ei me/ that had /echo/ the mark /charagma/, or /e/ the name /onoma/ of the beast /therion/, or /e/ the number /arithmos/ of his /autos/ name /onoma/.

Re 14:3 And /kai/ they sung /ado/ as it were /hos/ a new /kainos/ song /ode/ before /enopion/ the throne /thronos/, and /kai/ before /enopion/ the four /tessares/ beasts /zoon/, and /kai/ the elders /presbuteros/: and /kai/ no man /oudeis/ could /dunamai/ learn /manthano/ that song /ode/ but /ei me/ the hundred /hekaton/ and forty /tessarakonta/ and four /tessares/ thousand /chilias/, which /ho/ were redeemed /agorazo/ from /apo/ the earth /ge/.

Re 14:4 These /houtos/ are they /eisi/ which /hos/ were /moluno/ not /ou/ defiled /moluno/ with /meta/ women /gune/; for /gar/ they are /eisi/ virgins /parthenos/. These /houtos/ are they /eisi/ which /ho/ follow /akoloutheo/ the Lamb /arnion/ whithersoever /hopou/ /an/ he goeth /hupago/. These /houtos/ were redeemed /agorazo/ from /apo/ among men /anthropos/, being the firstfruits /aparche/ unto God /theos/ and /kai/ to the Lamb /arnion/. {redeemed: Gr. bought}

Re 18:11 And /kai/ the merchants /emporos/ of the earth /ge/ shall weep /klaio/ and /kai/ mourn /pentheo/ over /epi/ her /autos/; for /hoti/ no man /oudeis/ buyeth /agorazo/ their /autos/ merchandise /gomos/ any more /ouketi/:


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