
G53. hagnos, hag-nos’

from the same as hagios; properly, clean, i.e. (figuratively) innocent, modest, perfect:–chaste, clean, pure.


2Co 7:11 For /gar/ behold /idou/ this /touto/ selfsame thing /autos/, that /humas/ ye sorrowed /lupeo/ after /kata/ a godly sort /theos/, what /posos/ carefulness /spoude/ it wrought /katergazomai/ in you /humin/, yea /alla/, what clearing of yourselves /apologia/, yea /alla/, what indignation /aganaktesis/, yea /alla/, what fear /phobos/, yea /alla/, what vehement desire /epipothesis/, yea /alla/, what zeal /zelos/, yea /alla/, what revenge /ekdikesis/! In /en/ all /pas/ things ye have approved /sunistao/ yourselves /heautou/ to be /einai/ clear /hagnos/ in /en/ this matter /pragma/.

2Co 11:2 For /gar/ I am jealous /zeloo/ over you /humas/ with godly /theos/ jealousy /zelos/: for /gar/ I have espoused /harmozo/ you /humas/ to one /heis/ husband /aner/, that I may present /paristemi/ you as a chaste /hagnos/ virgin /parthenos/ to Christ /Christos/.

Php 4:8 Finally /loipon/, brethren /adelphos/, whatsoever things /hosos/ are /esti/ true /alethes/, whatsoever things /hosos/ are honest /semnos/, whatsoever things /hosos/ are just /dikaios/, whatsoever things /hosos/ are pure /hagnos/, whatsoever things /hosos/ are lovely /prosphiles/, whatsoever things /hosos/ are of good report /euphemos/; if there be any /ei tis/ virtue /arete/, and /kai/ if there be any /ei tis/ praise /epainos/, think /logizomai/ on these things /tauta/. {honest: or, venerable}

1Ti 5:22 Lay /epitithemi/ hands /cheir/ suddenly /tacheos/ on /epitithemi/ no man /medeis/, neither /mede/ be partaker /koinoneo/ of other /allotrios/ men’s sins /hamartia/: keep /tereo/ thyself /seautou/ pure /hagnos/.

Tit 2:5 To be discreet /sophron/, chaste /hagnos/, keepers at home /oikouros/, good /agathos/, obedient /hupotasso/ to their own /idios/ husbands /aner/, that /hina me/ the word /logos/ of God /theos/ be /blasphemeo/ not /hina me/ blasphemed /blasphemeo/.

Jas 3:17 But /de/ the wisdom /sophia/ that is from above /anothen/ is /esti/ first /proton/ pure /men/ /hagnos/, then /epeita/ peaceable /eirenikos/, gentle /epieikes/, and easy to be intreated /eupeithes/, full /mestos/ of mercy /eleos/ and /kai/ good /agathos/ fruits /karpos/, without partiality /adiakritos/, and /kai/ without hypocrisy /anupokritos/. {partiality: or, wrangling}

Pe 3:2 While they behold /epopteuo/ your /humon/ chaste /hagnos/ conversation /anastrophe/ coupled with /en/ fear /phobos/.

1Jo 3:3 And /kai/ every man /pas/ that hath /echo/ this /taute/ hope /elpis/ in /epi/ him /autos/ purifieth /hagnizo/ himself /heautou/, even as /kathos/ he /ekeinos/ is /esti/ pure /hagnos/.

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