
G48. hagnizo, hag-nid’-zo

from hagnos; to make clean, i.e. (figuratively) sanctify (ceremonially or morally):–purify (self).


Joh 11:55 And /de/ the Jews /Ioudaios/’ passover /pascha/ was /en/ nigh at hand /eggus/: and /kai/ many /polus/ went /anabaino/ out of /ek/ the country /chora/ up /eis/ to Jerusalem /Hierosoluma/ before /pro/ the passover /pascha/, to /hina/ purify /hagnizo/ themselves /heautou/.

Ac 21:24 Them /toutous/ take /paralambano/, and purify thyself /hagnizo/ with /sun/ them /autos/, and /kai/ be at charges /dapanao/ with /epi/ them /autos/, that /hina/ they may shave /xurao/ their heads /kephale/: and /kai/ all /pas/ may know /ginosko/ that those things /hoti/, whereof /hos/ they were informed /katecheo/ concerning /peri/ thee /sou/, are /esti/ nothing /oudeis/; but /alla/ that thou thyself /autos/ also /kai/ walkest orderly /stoicheo/, and keepest /phulasso/ the law /nomos/.

Ac 21:26 Then /tote/ Paul /Paulos/ took /paralambano/ the men /aner/, and the next /echo/ day /hemera/ purifying himself /hagnizo/ with /sun/ them /autos/ entered /eiseimi/ into /eis/ the temple /hieron/, to signify /diaggello/ the accomplishment /ekplerosis/ of the days /hemera/ of purification /hagnismos/, until /heos/ that /hos/ an offering /prosphora/ should be offered /prosphero/ for /huper/ every /hekastos/ one /heis/ of them /autos/.

Ac 24:18  /de/ Whereupon /en/ /hos/ certain /tis/ Jews /Ioudaios/ from /apo/ Asia /Asia/ found /heurisko/ me /me/ purified /hagnizo/ in /en/ the temple /hieron/, neither /ou/ with /meta/ multitude /ochlos/, nor /oude/ with /meta/ tumult /thorubos/.

Jas 4:8 Draw nigh /eggizo/ to God /theos/, and /kai/ he will draw nigh /eggizo/ to you /humin/. Cleanse /katharizo/ your hands /cheir/, ye sinners /hamartolos/; and /kai/ purify /hagnizo/ your hearts /kardia/, ye double minded /dipsuchos/.

1Pe 1:22 Seeing ye have purified /hagnizo/ your /humon/ souls /psuche/ in /en/ obeying /hupakoe/ the truth /aletheia/ through /dia/ the Spirit /pneuma/ unto /eis/ unfeigned /anupokritos/ love of the brethren /philadelphia/, see that ye love /agapao/ one another /allelon/ with /ek/ a pure /katharos/ heart /kardia/ fervently /ektenos/:

1Jo 3:3 And /kai/ every man /pas/ that hath /echo/ this /taute/ hope /elpis/ in /epi/ him /autos/ purifieth /hagnizo/ himself /heautou/, even as /kathos/ he /ekeinos/ is /esti/ pure /hagnos/.


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