
G44. agkistron, ang’-kis-tron

from the same as agkale; a hook (as bent):–hook.


Mt 17:27 Notwithstanding /de/, lest /hina me/ we should offend /skandalizo/ them /autos/, go thou /poreuomai/ to /eis/ the sea /thalassa/, and cast /ballo/ an hook /agkistron/, and /kai/ take up /airo/ the fish /ichthus/ that first /proton/ cometh up /anabaino/; and /kai/ when thou hast opened /anoigo/ his /autos/ mouth /stoma/, thou shalt find /heurisko/ a piece of money /stater/: that /ekeinos/ take /lambano/, and give /didomi/ unto them /autos/ for /anti/ me /emou/ and /kai/ thee /sou/. {a piece…: or, a stater: it is half an ounce of silver, in value two shillings and six pence, sterling; about fifty five cents}


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