
G39.  hagion,  hag’-ee-on

neuter of hagios; a sacred thing (i.e. spot):–holiest (of all), holy place, sanctuary.


Heb 8:2 A minister /leitourgos/ of the sanctuary /hagion/, and /kai/ of the true /alethinos/ tabernacle /skene/, which /hos/ the Lord /kurios/ pitched /pegnumi/, and /kai/ not /ou/ man /anthropos/. {of the sanctuary: or, of holy things}

Heb 9:1 Then /oun/ verily /men/ the first /protos/ covenant had /echo/ also /kai/ ordinances /dikaioma/ of divine service /latreia/, and /te/ a worldly /kosmikos/ sanctuary /hagion/. {ordinances: or, ceremonies}

Heb 9:2 For /gar/ there was /kataskeuazo/ a tabernacle /skene/ made /kataskeuazo/; the first /protos/, wherein /en/ /hos/ /te/ was the candlestick /luchnia/, and /kai/ the table /trapeza/, and /kai/ the shewbread /prothesis/ /artos/; which /hostis/ is called /lego/ the sanctuary /hagion/. {the sanctuary: or, holy}

Heb 9:3 And /de/ after /meta/ the second /deuteros/ veil /katapetasma/, the tabernacle /skene/ which /ho/ is called /lego/ the Holiest of all /hagion/ /hagion/;

Heb 9:8 The Holy /hagios/ Ghost /pneuma/ this /touto/ signifying /deloo/, that the way /hodos/ into the holiest of all /hagion/ was /phaneroo/ not yet /mepo/ made manifest /phaneroo/, while as the first /protos/ tabernacle /skene/ was /echo/ yet /eti/ standing /stasis/:

Heb 9:12 Neither /oude/ by /dia/ the blood /haima/ of goats /tragos/ and /kai/ calves /moschos/, but /de/ by /dia/ his own /idios/ blood /haima/ he entered in /eiserchomai/ once /ephapax/ into /eis/ the holy place /hagion/, having obtained /heurisko/ eternal /aionios/ redemption /lutrosis/ for us.

Heb 9:24 For /gar/ Christ /Christos/ is /eiserchomai/ not /ou/ entered /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the holy places /hagion/ made with hands /cheiropoietos/, which are the figures /antitupos/ of the true /alethinos/; but /alla/ into /eis/ heaven /ouranos/ itself /autos/, now /nun/ to appear /emphanizo/ in the presence /prosopon/ of God /theos/ for /huper/ us /hemon/:

Heb 9:25 Nor /oude/ yet that /hina/ he should offer /prosphero/ himself /heautou/ often /pollakis/, as /hosper/ the high priest /archiereus/ entereth /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the holy place /hagion/ every /kata/ year /eniautos/ with /en/ blood /haima/ of others /allotrios/;

Heb 10:19 Having /echo/ therefore /oun/, brethren /adelphos/, boldness /parrhesia/ to /eis/ enter /eisodos/ into the holiest /hagion/ by /en/ the blood /haima/ of Jesus /Iesous/, {boldness: or, liberty}

Heb 13:11 For /gar/ the bodies /soma/ of those /touton/ beasts /zoon/, whose /hos/ blood /haima/ is brought /eisphero/ into /eis/ the sanctuary /hagion/ by /dia/ the high priest /archiereus/ for /peri/ sin /hamartia/, are burned /katakaio/ without /exo/ the camp /parembole/.


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