
G34.  agele,  ag-el’-ay

from ago (compare aggelos); a drove:–herd.


Mt 8:30 And /de/ there was /en/ a good way off /makran/ from /apo/ them /autos/ an herd /agele/ of many /polus/ swine /choiros/ feeding /bosko/.

 Mt 8:31 So /de/ the devils /daimon/ besought /parakaleo/ him /autos/, saying /lego/, If /ei/ thou cast /ekballo/ us /hemas/ out /ekballo/, suffer /epitrepo/ us /hemin/ to go away /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the herd /agele/ of swine /choiros/.

 Mt 8:32 And /kai/ he said /epo/ unto them /autos/, Go /hupago/. And /de/ when they were come out /exerchomai/, they went /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the herd /agele/ of swine /choiros/: and /kai/, behold /idou/, the whole /pas/ herd /agele/ of swine /choiros/ ran violently /hormao/ down /kata/ a steep place /kremnos/ into /eis/ the sea /thalassa/, and /kai/ perished /apothnesko/ in /en/ the waters /hudor/.

 Mr 5:11 Now /de/ there was /en/ there /ekei/ nigh /pros/ unto the mountains /oros/ a great /megas/ herd /agele/ of swine /choiros/ feeding /bosko/.

 Mr 5:13 And /kai/ forthwith /eutheos/ Jesus /Iesous/ gave /epitrepo/ them /autos/ leave /epitrepo/. And /kai/ the unclean /akathartos/ spirits /pneuma/ went out /exerchomai/, and entered /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the swine /choiros/: and /kai/ the herd /agele/ ran /hormao/ violently down /kata/ a steep place /kremnos/ into /eis/ the sea /thalassa/, /de/ (they were /en/ about /hos/ two thousand /dischilioi/;) and /kai/ were choked /pnigo/ in /en/ the sea /thalassa/.

 Lu 8:32 And /de/ there was /en/ there /ekei/ an herd /agele/ of many /hikanos/ swine /choiros/ feeding /bosko/ on /en/ the mountain /oros/: and /kai/ they besought /parakaleo/ him /autos/ that /hina/ he would suffer /epitrepo/ them /autos/ to enter /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ them /ekeinos/. And /kai/ he suffered /epitrepo/ them /autos/.

 Lu 8:33 Then /de/ went /exerchomai/ the devils /daimonion/ out of /apo/ the man /anthropos/, and entered /eiserchomai/ into /eis/ the swine /choiros/: and /kai/ the herd /agele/ ran /hormao/ violently down /kata/ a steep /kremnos/ place into /eis/ the lake /limne/, and /kai/ were choked /apopnigo/.


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