
G29.  aggareuo,  ang-ar-yew’-o

of foreign origin (compare H104); properly, to be a courier, i.e. (by implication) to press into public service:–compel (to go).


Mt 5:41 And /kai/ whosoever /hostis/ shall compel /aggareuo/ thee /se/ to go /aggareuo/ a /heis/ mile /milion/, go /hupago/ with /meta/ him /autos/ twain /duo/.

 Mt 27:32 And /de/ as they came out /exerchomai/, they found /heurisko/ a man /anthropos/ of Cyrene /Kurenaios/, Simon /Simon/ by name /onoma/: him /touton/ they compelled /aggareuo/ to /hina/ bear /airo/ his /autos/ cross /stauros/.

 Mr 15:21 And /kai/ they compel /aggareuo/ one /tis/ Simon /Simon/ a Cyrenian /Kurenaios/, who passed by /parago/, coming /erchomai/ out of /apo/ the country /agros/, the father /pater/ of Alexander /Alexandros/ and /kai/ Rufus /Rhouphos/, to /hina/ bear /airo/ his /autos/ cross /stauros/.


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