
G27.  agapetos,  ag-ap-ay-tos’

from agapao; beloved:–(dearly, well) beloved, dear.


Mt 3:17 And /kai/ lo /idou/ a voice /phone/ from /ek/ heaven /ouranos/, saying /lego/, This /houtos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/, in /en/ whom /hos/ I am well pleased /eudokeo/.

Mt 12:18 Behold /idou/ my /mou/ servant /pais/, whom /hos/ I have chosen /hairetizo/; my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/, in /eis/ whom /hos/ my /mou/ soul /psuche/ is well pleased /eudokeo/: I will put /tithemi/ my /mou/ spirit /pneuma/ upon /epi/ him /autos/, and /kai/ he shall shew /apaggello/ judgment /krisis/ to the Gentiles /ethnos/.

Mt 17:5 While he /autos/ yet /eti/ spake /laleo/, behold /idou/, a bright /photeinos/ cloud /nephele/ overshadowed /episkiazo/ them /autos/: and /kai/ behold /idou/ a voice /phone/ out of /ek/ the cloud /nephele/, which said /lego/, This /houtos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/, in /en/ whom /hos/ I am well pleased /eudokeo/; hear ye /akouo/ him /autos/.

Mr 1:11 And /kai/ there came /ginomai/ a voice /phone/ from /ek/ heaven /ouranos/, saying, Thou /su/ art /ei/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/, in /en/ whom /hos/ I am well pleased /eudokeo/.

Mr 9:7 And /kai/ there was /ginomai/ a cloud /nephele/ that overshadowed /episkiazo/ them /autos/: and /kai/ a voice /phone/ came /erchomai/ out of /ek/ the cloud /nephele/, saying /lego/, This /houtos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/: hear /akouo/ him /autos/.

Mr 12:6 Having /echo/ yet /eti/ therefore /oun/ one /heis/ son /huios/, his /autos/ wellbeloved /agapetos/, he sent /apostello/ him /autos/ also /kai/ last /eschatos/ unto /pros/ them /autos/, saying /lego/, /hoti/ They will reverence /entrepo/ my /mou/ son /huios/.

Lu 3:22 And /kai/ the Holy /hagios/ Ghost /pneuma/ descended /katabaino/ in a bodily /somatikos/ shape /eidos/ like /hosei/ a dove /peristera/ upon /epi/ him /autos/, and /kai/ a voice /phone/ came /ginomai/ from /ek/ heaven /ouranos/, which said /lego/, Thou /su/ art /ei/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/; in /en/ thee /soi/ I am well pleased /eudokeo/.

Lu 9:35 And /kai/ there came /ginomai/ a voice /phone/ out of /ek/ the cloud /nephele/, saying /lego/, This /houtos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/: hear /akouo/ him /autos/.

 Lu 20:13 Then /de/ said /epo/ the lord /kurios/ of the vineyard /ampelon/, What /tis/ shall I do /poieo/? I will send /pempo/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ son /huios/: it may be /isos/ they will reverence /entrepo/ him when they see /eido/ him /touton/.

Ac 15:25 It seemed good /dokeo/ unto us /hemin/, being assembled /ginomai/ with one accord /homothumadon/, to send /pempo/ chosen /eklegomai/ men /aner/ unto /pros/ you /humas/ with /sun/ our /hemon/ beloved /agapetos/ Barnabas /Barnabas/ and /kai/ Paul /Paulos/,

Ro 1:7 To all /pas/ that be /on/ in /en/ Rome /Rhome/, beloved /agapetos/ of God /theos/, called /kletos/ to be saints /hagios/: Grace /charis/ to you /humin/ and /kai/ peace /eirene/ from /apo/ God /theos/ our /hemon/ Father /pater/, and /kai/ the Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/.

Ro 11:28 As concerning /kata/ /men/ the gospel /euaggelion/, they are enemies /echthros/ for your sakes /dia/ /humas/: but /de/ as touching /kata/ the election /ekloge/, they are beloved /agapetos/ for /dia/ the fathers /pater/’ sakes /dia/.

Ro 12:19 Dearly beloved /agapetos/, avenge /ekdikeo/ not /me/ yourselves /heautou/, but /alla/ rather give /didomi/ place /topos/ unto wrath /orge/: for /gar/ it is written /grapho/, Vengeance /ekdikesis/ is mine /emoi/; I /ego/ will repay /antapodidomi/, saith /lego/ the Lord /kurios/.

Ro 16:5 Likewise /kai/ greet the church /ekklesia/ that is in /kata/ their /autos/ house /oikos/. Salute /aspazomai/ my /mou/ wellbeloved /agapetos/ Epaenetus /Epainetos/, who /hos/ is /esti/ the firstfruits /aparche/ of Achaia /Achaia/ unto /eis/ Christ /Christos/.

Ro 16:8 Greet /aspazomai/ Amplias /Amplias/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/.

Ro 16:9 Salute /aspazomai/ Urbane /Ourbanos/, our /hemon/ helper /sunergos/ in /en/ Christ /Christos/, and /kai/ Stachys /Stachus/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/.

Ro 16:12 Salute /aspazomai/ Tryphena /Truphaina/ and /kai/ Tryphosa /Truphosa/, who labour /kopiao/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/. Salute /aspazomai/ the beloved /agapetos/ Persis /Persis/, which /hostis/ laboured /kopiao/ much /polus/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/.

1Co 4:14 I write /grapho/ not /ou/ these things /tauta/ to shame /entrepo/ you /humas/, but /alla/ as /hos/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ sons /teknon/ I warn /noutheteo/ you.

1Co 4:17 For /dia/ this /touto/ cause /dia/ have I sent /pempo/ unto you /humin/ Timotheus /Timotheos/, who /hos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ son /teknon/, and /kai/ faithful /pistos/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/, who /hos/ shall bring /anamimnesko/ you /humas/ into remembrance /anamimnesko/ of my /mou/ ways /hodos/ which /ho/ be in /en/ Christ /Christos/, as /kathos/ I teach /didasko/ every where /pantachou/ in /en/ every /pas/ church /ekklesia/.

1Co 10:14 Wherefore /dioper/, my /mou/ dearly beloved /agapetos/, flee /pheugo/ from /apo/ idolatry /eidololatreia/.

1Co 15:58 Therefore /hoste/, my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ brethren /adelphos/, be ye /ginomai/ stedfast /hedraios/, unmoveable /ametakinetos/, always /pantote/ abounding /perisseuo/ in /en/ the work /ergon/ of the Lord /kurios/, forasmuch as ye know /eido/ that /hoti/ your /humon/ labour /kopos/ is /esti/ not /ou/ in vain /kenos/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/.

2Co 7:1 Having /echo/ therefore /oun/ these /tautais/ promises /epaggelia/, dearly beloved /agapetos/, let us cleanse /katharizo/ ourselves /heautou/ from /apo/ all /pas/ filthiness /molusmos/ of the flesh /sarx/ and /kai/ spirit /pneuma/, perfecting /epiteleo/ holiness /hagiosune/ in /en/ the fear /phobos/ of God /theos/.

 2Co 12:19 Again /palin/, think ye /dokeo/ that /hoti/ we excuse ourselves /apologeomai/ unto you /humin/? we speak /laleo/ before /katenopion/ God /theos/ in /en/ Christ /Christos/: but /de/ we do all things /pas/, dearly beloved /agapetos/, for /huper/ your /humon/ edifying /oikodome/.

Eph 5:1 Be /ginomai/ ye /mimetes/ therefore /oun/ followers /mimetes/ of God /theos/, as /hos/ dear /agapetos/ children /teknon/;

Eph 6:21 But /de/ that /hina/ ye /humeis/ also /kai/ may know /eido/ my /eme/ affairs /kata/, and how /tis/ I do /prasso/, Tychicus /Tuchikos/, a beloved /agapetos/ brother /adelphos/ and /kai/ faithful /pistos/ minister /diakonos/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/, shall make known /gnorizo/ to you /humin/ all things /pas/:

Php 2:12 Wherefore /hoste/, my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/, as /kathos/ ye have /hupakouo/ always /pantote/ obeyed /hupakouo/, not /me/ as /hos/ in /en/ my /mou/ presence /parousia/ only /monon/, but /alla/ now /nun/ much /polus/ more /mallon/ in /en/ my /mou/ absence /apousia/, work out /katergazomai/ your own /heautou/ salvation /soteria/ with /meta/ fear /phobos/ and /kai/ trembling /tromos/.

Php 4:1 Therefore /hoste/, my /mou/ brethren /adelphos/ dearly beloved /agapetos/ and /kai/ longed for /epipothetos/, my /mou/ joy /chara/ and /kai/ crown /stephanos/, so /houto/ stand fast /steko/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/, my dearly beloved /agapetos/.

Col 1:7 As /kathos/ ye /manthano/ also /kai/ learned /manthano/ of /apo/ Epaphras /Epaphras/ our /hemon/ dear /agapetos/ fellowservant /sundoulos/, who /hos/ is /esti/ for /huper/ you /humon/ a faithful /pistos/ minister /diakonos/ of Christ /Christos/;

Col 4:7 All /pas/ my /eme/ state /kata/ shall /gnorizo/ Tychicus /Tuchikos/ declare /gnorizo/ unto you /humin/, who is a beloved /agapetos/ brother /adelphos/, and /kai/ a faithful /pistos/ minister /diakonos/ and /kai/ fellowservant /sundoulos/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/:

Col 4:9 With /sun/ Onesimus /Onesimos/, a faithful /pistos/ and /kai/ beloved /agapetos/ brother /adelphos/, who /hos/ is /esti/ one of /ek/ you /humon/. They shall make known /gnorizo/ unto you /humin/ all things /pas/ which /ho/ are done here /hode/.

Col 4:14 Luke /Loukas/, the beloved /agapetos/ physician /iatros/, and /kai/ Demas /Demas/, greet /aspazomai/ you /humas/.

1Th 2:8 So /houto/ being affectionately desirous /himeiromai/ of you /humon/, we were willing /eudokeo/ to have imparted /metadidomi/ unto you /humin/, not /ou/ the gospel /euaggelion/ of God /theos/ only /monon/, but /alla/ also /kai/ our own /heautou/ souls /psuche/, because /dioti/ ye were /ginomai/ dear /agapetos/ unto us /hemin/.

1Ti 6:2 And /de/ they that have /echo/ believing /pistos/ masters /despotes/, let them /kataphroneo/ not /me/ despise /kataphroneo/ them, because /hoti/ they are /eisi/ brethren /adelphos/; but /alla/ rather /mallon/ do them service /douleuo/, because /hoti/ they are /eisi/ faithful /pistos/ and /kai/ beloved /agapetos/, partakers /antilambanomai/ of the benefit /euergesia/. These things /tauta/ teach /didasko/ and /kai/ exhort /parakaleo/. {faithful: or, believing}

2Ti 1:2 To Timothy /Timotheos/, my dearly beloved /agapetos/ son /teknon/: Grace /charis/, mercy /eleos/, and peace /eirene/, from /apo/ God /theos/ the Father /pater/ and /kai/ Christ /Christos/ Jesus /Iesous/ our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/.

Phm 1:1 Paul /Paulos/, a prisoner /desmios/ of Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/, and /kai/ Timothy /Timotheos/ our brother /adelphos/, unto Philemon /Philemon/ our /hemon/ dearly beloved /agapetos/, and /kai/ fellowlabourer /sunergos/,

Phm 1:2 And /kai/ to our beloved /agapetos/ Apphia /Apphia/, and /kai/ Archippus /Archippos/ our /hemon/ fellowsoldier /sustratiotes/, and /kai/ to the church /ekklesia/ in /kata/ thy /sou/ house /oikos/:

Phm 1:16 Not now /ouketi/ as /hos/ a servant /doulos/, but /alla/ above /huper/ a servant /doulos/, a brother /adelphos/ beloved /agapetos/, specially /malista/ to me /emoi/, but /de/ how much /posos/ more /mallon/ unto thee /soi/, both /kai/ in /en/ the flesh /sarx/, and /kai/ in /en/ the Lord /kurios/?

Heb 6:9 But /de/, beloved /agapetos/, we are persuaded /peitho/ better things /kreitton/ of /peri/ you /humon/, and /kai/ things that accompany /echo/ salvation /soteria/, though /ei kai/ we /laleo/ thus /houto/ speak /laleo/.

Jas 1:16 Do /planao/ not /me/ err /planao/, my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ brethren /adelphos/.

Jas 1:19 Wherefore /hoste/, my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ brethren /adelphos/, let /esto/ every /pas/ man /anthropos/ be /esto/ swift /tachus/ to /eis/ hear /akouo/, slow /bradus/ to /eis/ speak /laleo/, slow /bradus/ to /eis/ wrath /orge/:

Jas 2:5 Hearken /akouo/, my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ brethren /adelphos/, Hath /eklegomai/ not /ou/ God /theos/ chosen /eklegomai/ the poor /ptochos/ of this /toutou/ world /kosmos/ rich /plousios/ in /en/ faith /pistis/, and /kai/ heirs /kleronomos/ of the kingdom /basileia/ which /hos/ he hath promised /epaggello/ to them that love /agapao/ him /autos/? {of the: or, of that}

 1Pe 2:11 Dearly beloved /agapetos/, I beseech /parakaleo/ you as /hos/ strangers /paroikos/ and /kai/ pilgrims /parepidemos/, abstain from /apechomai/ fleshly /sarkikos/ lusts /epithumia/, which /hostis/ war /strateuomai/ against /kata/ the soul /psuche/;

1Pe 4:12 Beloved /agapetos/, think it /xenizo/ not /me/ strange /xenizo/ concerning the /humin/ fiery trial /purosis/ which /en/ is /ginomai/ to /pros/ try /peirasmos/ you /humin/, as /hos/ though some strange thing /xenos/ happened /sumbaino/ unto you /humin/:

2Pe 1:17 For /gar/ he received /lambano/ from /para/ God /theos/ the Father /pater/ honour /time/ and /kai/ glory /doxa/, when there came /phero/ such /toiosde/ a voice /phone/ to him /autos/ from /hupo/ the excellent /megaloprepes/ glory /doxa/, This /houtos/ is /esti/ my /mou/ beloved /agapetos/ Son /huios/, in /eis/ whom /hos/ I /ego/ am well pleased /eudokeo/.

2Pe 3:1 This /taute/ second /deuteros/ epistle /epistole/, beloved /agapetos/, I /grapho/ now /ede/ write /grapho/ unto you /humin/; in /en/ both which /hos/ I stir up /diegeiro/ your /humon/ pure /heilikrines/ minds /dianoia/ by way /en/ of remembrance /hupomnesis/:

2Pe 3:8 But /de/, beloved /agapetos/, be /lanthano/ not /me/ /humas/ ignorant /lanthano/ of this one /heis/ thing /touto/, that /hoti/ one /mia/ day /hemera/ is with /para/ the Lord /kurios/ as /hos/ a thousand /chilioi/ years /etos/, and /kai/ a thousand /chilioi/ years /etos/ as /hos/ one /mia/ day /hemera/.

 2Pe 3:14 Wherefore /dio/, beloved /agapetos/, seeing that ye look for /prosdokao/ such things /tauta/, be diligent /spoudazo/ that ye may be found /heurisko/ of him /autos/ in /en/ peace /eirene/, without spot /aspilos/, and /kai/ blameless /amometos/.

2Pe 3:15 And /kai/ account /hegeomai/ that the longsuffering /makrothumia/ of our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/ is salvation /soteria/; even as /kathos/ our /hemon/ beloved /agapetos/ brother /adelphos/ Paul /Paulos/ also /kai/ according to /kata/ the wisdom /sophia/ given /didomi/ unto him /autos/ hath written /grapho/ unto you /humin/;

2Pe 3:17 Ye /humeis/ therefore /oun/, beloved /agapetos/, seeing ye know these things before /proginosko/, beware /phulasso/ lest /hina me/ ye also /ekpipto/, being led away /sunapago/ with the error /plane/ of the wicked /athesmos/, fall from /ekpipto/ your own /idios/ stedfastness /sterigmos/.

1Jo 3:2 Beloved /agapetos/, now /nun/ are we /esmen/ the sons /teknon/ of God /theos/, and /kai/ it doth /phaneroo/ not yet /oupo/ appear /phaneroo/ what /tis/ we shall be /esomai/: but /de/ we know /eido/ that /hoti/, when /ean/ he shall appear /phaneroo/, we shall be /esomai/ like /homoios/ him /autos/; for /hoti/ we shall see /optanomai/ him /autos/ as /kathos/ he is /esti/.

1Jo 3:21 Beloved /agapetos/, if /ean me/ our /hemon/ heart /kardia/ condemn /kataginosko/ us /hemon/ not /ean me/, then have we /echo/ confidence /parrhesia/ toward /pros/ God /theos/.

1Jo 4:1 Beloved /agapetos/, believe /pisteuo/ not /me/ every /pas/ spirit /pneuma/, but /alla/ try /dokimazo/ the spirits /pneuma/ whether /ei/ they are /esti/ of /ek/ God /theos/: because /hoti/ many /polus/ false prophets /pseudoprophetes/ are gone out /exerchomai/ into /eis/ the world /kosmos/.

1Jo 4:7 Beloved /agapetos/, let us love /agapao/ one another /allelon/: for /hoti/ love /agape/ is /esti/ of /ek/ God /theos/; and /kai/ every one /pas/ that loveth /agapao/ is born /gennao/ of /ek/ God /theos/, and /kai/ knoweth /ginosko/ God /theos/.

1Jo 4:11 Beloved /agapetos/, if /ei/ God /theos/ so /houto/ loved /agapao/ us /hemas/, we /hemeis/ ought /opheilo/ also /kai/ to love /agapao/ one another /allelon/.

3Jo 1:1 The elder /presbuteros/ unto the wellbeloved /agapetos/ Gaius /Gaios/, whom /hos/ I /ego/ love /agapao/ in /en/ the truth /aletheia/. {in…: or, truly}

3Jo 1:2 Beloved /agapetos/, I wish /euchomai/ above /peri/ all things /pas/ that thou /se/ mayest prosper /euodoo/ and /kai/ be in health /hugiaino/, even as /kathos/ thy /sou/ soul /psuche/ prospereth /euodoo/. {wish: or, pray}

3Jo 1:5 Beloved /agapetos/, thou doest /poieo/ faithfully /pistos/ whatsoever /hos/ /ean/ thou doest /ergazomai/ to /eis/ the brethren /adelphos/, and /kai/ to /eis/ strangers /xenos/;

3Jo 1:11 Beloved /agapetos/, follow /mimeomai/ not /me/ that which is evil /kakos/, but /alla/ that which is good /agathos/. He that doeth good /agathopoieo/ is /esti/ of /ek/ God /theos/: but /de/ he that doeth evil /kakopoieo/ hath /horao/ not /ou/ seen /horao/ God /theos/.

Jude 1:3 /Beloved /agapetos/, when I gave /poieo/ all /pas/ diligence /spoude/ to write /grapho/ unto you /humin/ of /peri/ the common /koinos/ salvation /soteria/, it was /echo/ needful /anagke/ for me /echo/ to write /grapho/ unto you /humin/, and exhort /parakaleo/ you that ye should earnestly contend /epagonizomai/ for the faith /pistis/ which was once /hapax/ delivered /paradidomi/ unto the saints /hagios/.

Jude 1:17 But /de/, beloved /agapetos/, remember /mnaomai/ ye /humeis/ the words /rhema/ which /ho/ were spoken before /proereo/ of /hupo/ the apostles /apostolos/ of our /hemon/ Lord /kurios/ Jesus /Iesous/ Christ /Christos/;

Jude 1:20 But /de/ ye /humeis/, beloved /agapetos/, building up /epoikodomeo/ yourselves /heautou/ on your /humon/ most holy /hagios/ faith /pistis/, praying /proseuchomai/ in /en/ the Holy /hagios/ Ghost /pneuma/,


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