
G12. abussos,  ab’-us-sos

from -a (as a negative particle) and a variation of buthos; depthless, i.e. (specially) (infernal) “abyss”:–deep, (bottomless) pit.

abussosthe deepLu 8:31
Ro 10:7
abussosbottomlessRe 9:1
Re 9:2
abussosbottomless pitRe 9:11
Re 11:7
Re 17:8
Re 20:1
Re 20:3


Lu 8:31 And /kai/ they besought /parakaleo/ /parakaleo/ him /autos/ that /hina me/ he would /epitasso/ not /hina me/ command /epitasso/ them /autos/ to go out /aperchomai/ into /eis/ the deep /abussos/.

Ro 10:7 Or /e/, Who /tis/ shall descend /katabaino/ into /eis/ the deep /abussos/? (that is /toutesti/, to bring up /anago/ Christ /Christos/ again /anago/ from /ek/ the dead /nekros/.)

Re 9:1 And /kai/ the fifth /pemptos/ angel /aggelos/ sounded /salpizo/, and /kai/ I saw /eido/ a star /aster/ fall /pipto/ from /ek/ heaven /ouranos/ unto /eis/ the earth /ge/: and /kai/ to him /autos/ was given /didomi/ the key /kleis/ of the bottomless /abussos/ pit /phrear/.

Re 9:2 And /kai/ he opened /anoigo/ the bottomless /abussos/ pit /phrear/; and /kai/ there arose /anabaino/ a smoke /kapnos/ out of /ek/ the pit /phrear/, as /hos/ the smoke /kapnos/ of a great /megas/ furnace /kaminos/; and /kai/ the sun /helios/ and /kai/ the air /aer/ were darkened /skotizo/ by reason of /ek/ the smoke /kapnos/ of the pit /phrear/.

Re 9:11 And /kai/ they had /echo/ a king /basileus/ over /epi/ them /hautou/, which is the angel /aggelos/ of the bottomless pit /abussos/, whose /autos/ name /onoma/ in the Hebrew tongue /Hebraisti/ is Abaddon /Abaddon/, but /kai/ in /en/ the Greek tongue /Hellenikos/ hath /echo/ his name /onoma/ Apollyon /Apolluon/. {Apollyon: that is to say, A destroyer}

Re 11:7 And /kai/ when /hotan/ they shall have finished /teleo/ their /autos/ testimony /marturia/, the beast /therion/ that ascendeth /anabaino/ out of /ek/ the bottomless pit /abussos/ shall make /poieo/ war /polemos/ against /meta/ them /autos/, and /kai/ shall overcome /nikao/ them /autos/, and /kai/ kill /apokteino/ them /autos/.

Re 17:8 The beast /therion/ that /hos/ thou sawest /eido/ was /en/, and /kai/ is /esti/ not /ou/; and /kai/ shall /mello/ ascend /anabaino/ out of /ek/ the bottomless pit /abussos/, and /kai/ go /hupago/ into /eis/ perdition /apoleia/: and /kai/ they that dwell /katoikeo/ on /epi/ the earth /ge/ shall wonder /thaumazo/, whose /hos/ names /onoma/ were /grapho/ not /ou/ written /grapho/ in /epi/ the book /biblion/ of life /zoe/ from /apo/ the foundation /katabole/ of the world /kosmos/, when they behold /blepo/ the beast /therion/ that was /hostis/ /en/, and /kai/ is /esti/ not /ou/, and yet /kaiper/ is /esti/.

Re 20:1 And /kai/ I saw /eido/ an angel /aggelos/ come down /katabaino/ from /ek/ heaven /ouranos/, having /echo/ the key /kleis/ of the bottomless pit /abussos/ and /kai/ a great /megas/ chain /halusis/ in /epi/ his /autos/ hand /cheir/.

Re 20:3 And /kai/ cast /ballo/ him /autos/ into /eis/ the bottomless pit /abussos/, and /kai/ shut /kleio/ him /autos/ up /kleio/, and /kai/ set a seal /sphragizo/ upon /epano/ him /autos/, that /hina me/ he should deceive /planao/ the nations /ethnos/ no /hina me/ more /eti/, till /achri/ the thousand /chilioi/ years /etos/ should be fulfilled /teleo/: and /kai/ after /meta/ that /tauta/ he /autos/ must /dei/ be loosed /luo/ a little /mikros/ season /chronos/.


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