Luke 4 Quiz

This quiz is based on Luke chapter 4. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. Why did Jesus go to the wilderness after baptism?
2. How many days was Jesus without food in the wilderness?
3. Where did Jesus go after being in the wilderness for some days?
4. Where was Jesus brought up?
5. Which Bible verse did Jesus read in the synagogue when He was given the book of Isaiah?
6. Sarepta was a city found in which region?
7. Naaman was a                                       
8. Capernaum was found in which region of Israel?
9. In which city did Jesus cast out a demon from a man in the synagogue?
10. Simon Peter's mother-in-law was down with which disease?
11. Who healed Peter's mother-in-law of her sickness?
12. According to Luke, demons acknowledged Jesus as what?
13. What happened to Jesus while He was in the wilderness for many days?
14. Which of the following is true?


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