
from ‘abah, in the sense of want (especially in feeling); destitute:–beggar, needy, poor (man).

‘ebyownpoorEx 23:6, Ex 23:11, De 15:4, De 15:9, De 15:11,
Esther 9:22, Job 5:15, Job 29:16, Job 30:25,
Job 31:19, Ps 49:2, Ps 69:33, Ps 107:41,
Ps 109:31, Ps 112:9, Ps 132:15, Ps 140:12,
Pr 14:31, Isa 29:19, Jer 2:34, Jer 20:13,
Am 2:6, Am 5:12
‘ebyownpoor manDe 15:7
‘ebyownbeggar1 Sam 2:8
 ‘ebyownneedyDe 24:14, Job 24:4, Job 24:14, Ps 9:18,
Ps 12:5, Ps 35:10, Ps 37:14, Ps 40:17,
Ps 70:5, Ps 72:4, Ps 72:12, Ps 72:13 a,
Ps 72:13 b, Ps 74:21, Ps 82:4, Ps 86:1,
Ps 109:16, Ps 109:22, Ps 113:7, Pr 30:14,
Pr 31:9, Pr 31:20, Isa 14:30, Isa 25:4,
Isa 32:7, Isa 41:17, Jer 5:28, Jer 22:16,
Eze 16:49, Eze 18:12, Ez 22:29, Am 4:1,
Am 8:4, Am 8:6,
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