Matthew 5 Quiz

This quiz is based on Matthew chapter 5. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. Which blessing is for the pure in spirit?
2. Which blessing is for those who mourn?
3. Which blessing is for the meek?
4. Which blessing is for those who hunger and thirst for righteousness?
5. Which blessing is for those who are merciful?
6. What blessing is for the pure in heart?
7. Which blessing is for the peacemakers?
8. According to Jesus, whose reward is great in heaven?
9. What is done to salt that has lost its savor?
10. According to Matthew 5, what did Jesus say cannot be hidden?
11. How do people respond when they see your good works?
12. Which people shall be called the least in the kingdom of God?
13. Which of these sins is equivalent to murder?
14. Who shall be in danger of hellfire?
15. What condition is attached to bringing your offering to God?
16. Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully is guilty of what?
17. Mr. Y marries a divorced woman. What is Mr. Y guilty of?
18. Why should we not swear by heaven?
19. Why should we not swear by the earth?
20. Why should we not swear by Jerusalem?
21. Why should a person not swear by his head?
22. According to Matthew 5, Jesus commanded us to do good to whom?
23. According to Matthew 5, who did Jesus command us to pray for?
24. According to Matthew 5, who did Jesus command us to love?
25. Why should we be perfect?
26. According to Matthew 5, who did Jesus command us to bless?


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