Exodus 12 Quiz

This quiz is based on Exodus chapter 12. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best.

1. On what day should every man take a lamb for his household or family?
2. If a family is too small for a lamb what should they do?
3. What age did God specify for the male lamb that would be killed for the Passover?
4. On which day of the first month should the Passover lamb be killed for food?
5. At what time of the day should the Passover lamb be killed?
6. On which parts of the house did God command the Israelites to put some of the blood of the lamb? (Wrong choice= -1)
7. The Israelites were commanded to cook the Passover lamb and eat it. What cooking method did God specify for the Passover lamb?
8. If a family would not be able to consume a whole lamb until morning, what were they supposed to do to the left over?
9. Which livestock did God allow the Israelites to kill for the Passover?
10. God commanded the Israelites that whiles eating the lamb, they should make sure to: (wrong choice = -1)
11. Who would be the victims of the last plague that God would bring upon Egypt? (wrong choice= -1)
12. What did God tell the Israelites to use as a sign to save their lives from the last plague?
13. For how many days in the first month should the Israelites eat unleavened bread?
14. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is the period in which unleavened bread is eaten by the Israelites. On which of the days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread should a holy assembly be held? (wrong choice= -1)
15. Which of the days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread should be holidays?
16. What plant should be used to sprinkle the blood of the lamb on the specified part of the house?
17. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is celebrated from which day to which day?
18. What was the name of the entity assigned by God to carry out the last plague in Egypt?
19. At the beginning of the Exodus, how many were the men beside the women and the children?
20. The Israelites lived in Egypt for how many years before they finally left?
21. What was the condition for foreigners who wished to eat the Passover?
22. With which accompaniment did God command the Israelites to eat the Passover lamb? (Wrong choice= -1)


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