Genesis 6 Quiz

This quiz is based on Genesis Chapter 6. All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given.

1. Who were 'the sons of God' as used in Genesis 6:2?
2. For the first time, God reduced the life span of humans to how many years?
3. Why did the sons of God come to marry the women on this earth?
4. Why did God threaten to destroy man?
5. Noah was described as what?
6. But Noah found ............... in the eyes of the LORD.
7. How many sons had Noah?
8. What evil deed of man had filled the earth during the days of Noah?
9. God told Noah to make an ark with which type of wood?
10. Noah built an ark which was ...................... long.
11. Who gave Noah the measurements and showed him how he should build the ark?
12. The giants on the earth in the days of Noah were the children of the sons of God and the daughters of men.
13. Noah built an ark which was ............. wide.
14. Noah built an ark which was .................. high.
15. But with thee (Noah) will I establish my ....................; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee.


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