How do I love God more than anything?

How to love God above all else

Loving God more than anything is a fundamental belief held by Christians. It is a deeply personal and spiritual commitment that shapes their thoughts, actions, and priorities. This devotion is rooted in the belief that God is the ultimate source of love, guidance, and purpose in life. By placing God at the center of their lives, individuals strive to align their thoughts, desires, and actions with His teachings and commandments. This love for God transcends all other relationships and desires, as it is seen as the highest form of devotion and obedience. It influences how individuals make decisions, treat others, and navigate the challenges of life. Loving God more than anything is a lifelong journey that requires constant reflection, prayer, and seeking a deeper understanding of His will. It is a commitment that brings comfort, strength, and a sense of purpose to those who embrace it.

1. Putting God first

God and many other things strive for your love. And you show love for God and others such as your family, friends, career, etc. However, you cannot love them equally; you love one of them above all. God would want you to put Him first and to love Him above all else. This is why Jesus told His disciples that if anyone loves his father, mother, son, daughter, etc. more than Him, then that person is not worthy to follow or serve Him (Matthew 10:37). Putting God first does not mean abandoning your sick mother who needs your help to attend church service. Rather, it means do not sin against God to please your mother, father, boss, etc. Putting God first means making God your most treasured possession and the object of your highest love. Normally, Christians do not find it difficult to love God, but loving Him above all is where they falter. Putting God first involves pleasing God by withdrawing from any unholy thing that we do for the sake of or to please family, friends, boss, etc.

2. Keeping God’s commandments

Putting God first involves holding God’s word in the highest regard above the advice, pressure, principles, and philosophies of your family, friends, society, and the world at large. Jesus and the early Christian fathers who contributed to the Bible mentioned obedience to God as the best way to show love to God – obeying his word, which is the teachings in the Bible. Jesus Himself said in John 14:15, “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments.” And Apostle John came to say in 1 John 5:7, “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.” Therefore we show love to God by obeying His word and God becomes pleased. Loving God has a positive impact on us and other people, for by demonstrating our love for God through obeying His word, we turn to love others better and we become better people.

3. Cultivating a heart of gratitude

Gratitude is the seed from which love for God blossoms. Reflect on the blessings in your life and acknowledge God’s hand in them. Recognizing and appreciating the blessings we receive from God helps us to develop love and a deeper connection with Him. By acknowledging His goodness, we become more aware of His presence in our lives and the countless ways He provides for us. Expressing gratitude to God can be done through prayer, worship, and acts of kindness towards others. It is a continuous process that requires intentional effort and a humble attitude. As we cultivate a heart of gratitude, we not only show love for God and strengthen our relationship with Him, but we also experience a greater sense of joy, peace, and contentment in our daily lives.

4. Possess a resilient love like Job’s

Job – we are talking about a man who lost everything, possessions and family, yet he kept His integrity, spoke no foul word against God, and did not forsake his God. God may allow certain trials into our lives, like Job’s, that will shake the very foundations of our faith. But this is where we show God that we really love Him and that we do not serve him selfishly for our own gains only. Though it is hurtful to lose something you love, some Christians are so broken by the loss of a job, asset, or a loved one to such an extent that even the thought of God is loathsome to them. It is worth noting that material possessions are among the least of what God has in store for those who love him. God offers better things such as salvation, the forgiveness of sins, eternal life, etc. Therefore the loss of material things and loved ones should not ruin our relationship with God. If you are like Job such that nothing can break your love for God, then you truly love God more than anything.

5. Serving others as an expression of love for God

Apostle John challenges us to love one another as part of loving God, for how can we say we love God whom we do not see if we hate one another? Aside from the direct approach of showing love to God such as obeying His word above all, adoring, praising, and thanking Him, we should do good to others as part of obeying God’s word. Service to others is a powerful way to demonstrate your love for God. Examples are advising those who are going wayward, visiting the sick, visiting prisoners, and extending kindness and compassion to those in need. By so doing you embody God’s teachings of love and generosity.

6. Embracing challenges as opportunities for spiritual growth

Challenges and hardships are inevitable in life, but they also present opportunities for spiritual growth. Sadly, some Christians are overwhelmed by challenges leading to a state where they lose their joy of salvation, question God’s fairness, and finally, take offense at God. But what does the Bible tell us to do in difficult times? James taught us that if any Christian is suffering in life he should pray (James 5:13). And prayer in itself is one of the effective approaches to grow spiritually. Embrace difficulties as a means to strengthen your faith and deepen your love for God. In this way, challenges in life become stepping stones towards a closer relationship with God.

7. Love God more than money

The Scriptures warn a Christian that the love of money will lead him to commit many sins (1 Timothy 6:10), ruining his relationship with God. God requires us to prioritize our love for Him over our love for money. When we become consumed by the pursuit of wealth, we lose sight of our true purpose and the values that truly matter. The love of money encompasses the willingness to sin for the sake of money and allotting all your time to work for money to the neglect of spiritual things such as prayer, attending church, etc. By redirecting our focus toward God and His teachings, we can find fulfillment and a deeper sense of purpose in our lives. Letting go of our attachment to money allows us to cultivate a stronger relationship with God and experience the true joy that comes from living a life centered around Him.

8. Desist from loving the world

Loving God requires us to stop loving the world. The love for God and the love for the world are two opposing factors. When we choose the love for the world, the love for God is automatically snuffed out. When you choose the love for God, the love for the world is automatically extinguished. A strong warning is issued in the Bible against loving the world (1 John 2:15) for loving the world, aside from snuffing out our love for God, will cause us to hate and avoid God and the things of God such as attending church service, fasting, good moral values, etc. Loving God instead of the world is a conscious choice to let go of worldly attachments and focus on the things of God. This does not mean we cannot use the things of the world such as new inventions, AI, high tech, etc., but rather that we should not let it consume us. Loving God above all else brings us closer to His purpose for our lives.


To love God above all else is a journey that requires dedication, reflection, and unwavering faith. By prioritizing your devotion to Him in all aspects of your life, you can experience a profound sense of peace and fulfillment that transcends worldly desires. Embrace the depths of His love and let it guide you in all that you do.

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