1 Timothy 5 Quiz

This quiz is based on 1 Timothy chapter 5 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save points and track your performance.

1. Who was Timothy told not to rebuke?
2. Who was Timothy told to entreat as a father?
3. Who was Timothy told to entreat as a brother?
4. Who was Timothy told to entreat as sisters?
5. Who was Timothy told to entreat as mothers?
6. Who was Timothy told to honor?
7. Who is a widow indeed?
8. What is the mark of a widow who is desolate?
9. According to 1 Timothy 5, who is referred to as a living dead?
10. If someone does not care for his own house, he is guilty of what?
11. According to Paul's instructions, which widows should not be added to the list of widows the church would support?
12. What qualification should Timothy follow to select widows whom the church would support?
13. According to 1 Timothy 5, in what way can a believer show piety at home?
14. Why should Timothy not put young widows on the list of widows the church would support?
15. When young widows are not working, what do they tend to do?
16. What was Paul's desire for the young women?
17. If a believer has a widow in his house                                .
18. Who should be counted worthy of double honor?
19. The elders who labor in the word and doctrine                                 .
20. "Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. ...". What does it mean?
21. What least number of witnesses are needed to testify before an accusation brought against an elder is accepted as true?
22. Why should Timothy rebuke believers who have sinned in the presence of the congregation?
23. Paul charged Timothy before God, Christ, and angels to do what?
24. What did Paul exhort Timothy to do?
25. Why was Timothy told to drink a little wine?
26. What good deeds were expected of the widows whom the church would support?


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