1 Corinthians 3 Quiz

This quiz is based on 1 Corinthians chapter 3 (KJV). All questions are compulsory and should be answered before submission. Select the correct answers from the options given. We wish you all the best. NB: You may log in to save your score and track your performance.

1. At the inception of the Corinthian church, Paul could not teach them doctrines that he would teach                                .
2. At the inception of the Corinthian church, Paul viewed his new converts as what?
3. Why did Paul feed his Corinthian new converts with milk and not with meat?
4. The teachings Paul gave the new converts at the inception of the Corinthian church was described as what?
5. Why did Paul describe the Corinthian believers as carnal?
6. Who planted the church at Corinth?
7. Who watered the church at Corinth after it had been planted?
8. Who made the church in Corinth grow in membership?
9. Who were Paul and Apollos to the Corinthian believers?
10. According to 1 Corinthians 3, ministers of God can be described as                    .
11. According to 1 Corinthians 3, the church was described as what?
12. Concerning the Corinthian church, Paul described his role as what?
13. On the day of judgment, what will God use to reveal every man's work?
14. What happens if a man's work remains after it has been tested?
15. If a man's work is destroyed in the test, what becomes of him?
16. Why are believers the temple of God?
17. What shall God do to those who defile his temple?
18. What exhortation did Paul give to believers who think they are wise in this world?
19. In the sight of God, the wisdom of this world is what?
20. 'He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.' Where do we find this in the Old Testament?
21. 'I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: ..' What does Paul refer to as milk?
22. 'I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: ..' What does Paul refer to as meat?


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